Chapter Twenty-Two

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Chapter Twenty-Two


"You make a fool of death with your beauty, and for a moment I forget to worry"

Hunger- Florence and the Machine

"Well first thing on our list is the wedding" Lena sang excitedly "and then we can get back to planning the second greatest vampire war ever"

I raised a brow questioningly "Are you sure your priorities are in order" I asked dubiously.

Lena laughed "of course"

I shook my head Lena, would be Lena but I loved her just the way she was.

"Ok so wedding, formation of alliance, planning, and then massive war. Gotcha!" Vana said with a flash of teeth.

Edward sighed deeply and I burrowed closer to him I knew he did not want to go through with this plan. However, he did agree that this was going to be the best option moving forward.

"We will be leaving today but we will be back the day before the wedding" Alasdair spoke up and the other wolves nodded in agreement.

"After that large-scale attack, we should not have to deal with them for a few months. I am sure they are regrouping especially after the loss of David and Elan." Celina said with certainty and I nodded in agreement they would need time.

"We will also return the day before the wedding" Tanya said with finality.

She seemed less prickly then she did during the earlier conversation. I still had not gotten around to asking Edward what her deal was exactly, but I had a strong feeling I knew.

"Ok, we will see you all then" I said with a smile and she returned a small smile.

Hm, that was some progress I suppose.

After many goodbyes and hugs the Althaan pack and the Denali coven's left.


As we all anticipated the last few weeks had been attack and drama free. From what I could gather from a few nomadic vampires that past through the bounty had been retracted. I wondered if my father had made Gabriel do that or if Gabriel was frustrated with the lack of results.

Either way I was thankful for the peace and Edward seemed more at ease.

The last few weeks were full of last-minute wedding details, dates with Edward, and time spent with Lena and William. I think they were starting to develop empty nest syndrome. Any free time I had they wanted to spend it doing something or traveling somewhere. I understood and no matter how much I assured them I was not going far I could still see some sadness in their eyes.

I laughingly suggested that they needed to have a child and they both brushed me off. They said two were enough and that we just needed to make sure to visit often. Then Lena added cheekily that Celina and I also needed to provide them with a lot of grandchildren to which I blushed and changed the topic.

Today Alice and I were headed to Seattle, to an exclusive bridal boutique which had been working on my dress the last six months.

My dress was supposed to be ready and I was having my final fitting. Alice was the one who drew up my wedding dress design and passed it on to a good designer friend of hers. This was only the second time I was seeing the dress and the first time it was just starting to really take form. I was very excited to see if everything came together the way I imagined.

"And you are absolutely sure there is no way Edward will peek" I asked her once more as we headed up the narrow stairs to the loft of the boutique.

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