Chapter Twenty- Eight

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Chapter Twenty-Eight

Congratulations and Gifts

"When you're happy like a fool

Let it take you over"

Good Life- One Republic

"Bella and I have some wonderful news" Edward started I could see Alice bouncing on the balls of her feet while Lena's golden eyes gleamed with excitement.

"We are having a baby!" I said clasping my hands together the first people to react were Alice, Lena, and Esme.

"A baby!" Alice exclaimed as she wrapped me in a hug her little body seemed to buzz with excitement.

I was pulled into Lena's arms she looked like if she could cry, she would. William hugged me next as he said "Congratulations, Bella. We are so happy for you".

"Thank you" I said then I was pulled into a big hug by Emmett.

"Congrats little sister" he smiled then placed me down and threw an arm over Edward's shoulder "Good job" he said teasingly.

Edward rolled his eyes shaking off Emmett's arm and pulling me into his side.

Rosalie wore a small smile it was genuine but bittersweet in a way. We made eye contact, she smiled a dazzling smile then congratulated Edward and me.

"Thank you everyone for all of the congratulations" Edward said while I pressed further into Edwards side.

"Oh, we have to have a baby shower" Esme said and then her, Lena, and Alice huddled up and started talking plans.

"Oh, dear" I sighed, and Rosalie giggled.

"Don't worry I'll rein them in" she promised

"It would be greatly appreciated"

I was currently sitting on Edward's lap and finishing my second omelet- Esme was kind enough to make me some when I said I was hungry.

"So" Esme started "While you both were gone, we worked on a gift for you both".

"A gift" Edward questioned, and Esme nodded.

"What type of gift" I asked looking around at everyone in the room they all seemed awfully excited about it.

"You have to go look and see" Carlisle said "follow us" he walked toward the back door followed by Esme.

"Is everyone else staying here" I questioned as I noticed everyone else stayed put in the living room.

"Yes, enjoy your gift. See you in the morning" Alice said with a smile her words were echoed by the others.

We ran next to each other and Edward kept pace with me watching where I stepped as we followed Carlisle and Esme deeper into the forest.

When we broke through the trees I came to a sudden surprised halt and felt Edward stopped next to me as well. It was beautiful I thought as I clasped my hands together. There nestled into a small clearing was a lavender gray stone cottage with a wooden shingles. There was honeysuckle climbing up the wall it smelt wonderful. There were red and pink roses planted beneath the windows. A flat stone path that led up to the arch wood door.

"Do you like it" Esme asked moving closer to me I turned and gave her a big hug.

"I love it- it's beautiful" I said quickly wiping away a few spilled tears "it's perfect".

Esme smiled "Rosalie mentioned that you seemed interested in the cottage when you were both out here once"

I nodded remembering back to that time me and Rosalie talked that day we were sitting in front of a dilapidated cottage. This was beyond words it was completed restored and even better than I cold have imagined it would be.

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