Chapter Twenty- Seven

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Chapter Twenty- Seven

Return to the World

"The sweetest devotion

Hitting me like an explosion"

Sweetest Devotion- Adele

We had gratefully landed a few minutes ago I had never been so happy to be on solid ground. I woke up this morning nauseous and the multiple legs of our trip did not help. I got sick during the first layover thankfully I was already in the restroom- and I do not think Edward noticed when I came back after an extended time. I felt much better the rest of the journey and was even able to take a nap on the last flight. We were headed to the baggage claim when I hurriedly told Edward I would be back and made a bee line for the bathroom.

As soon as I made it to the stall, I was violently gagging up what little was on my stomach. I was panting slightly as I used a piece of toilet paper to wipe my mouth. I groaned flushing the toilet and making my way to the sink to rinse out my month. I splashed some water over my clammy face and dried off with a paper towel. Vomiting is the absolute worst I dug through my purse happy when I was able to find a stick of gum.

When I left the bathroom, Edward was standing anxiously next to the door. I groaned no doubt he just heard all of that.

"Bella, what's wrong" He asked placing his hands on either side of my face. I could see his dim gold eyes taking in my paler than usual skin.

"Nothing- just got a little motion sick" I shrugged stepping back and taking his hand.

"Come on everyone is waiting" I said giving him a small smile.

He continued looking at me for a few seconds before sighing and picking up our bags. I tried to take my bag, but Edward would not let me.

"That isn't very human- to be carrying two suitcases that large in one hand" I said.

He shrugged "Despite your protest you have not felt well all day- and then you just vomited".

"I feel much better now" I said, and it was true I felt wonderful same as I did yesterday when we spent our last day swimming and laying on the beach.

Edward only glanced down at me worriedly as he put our bags into the trunk quickly. He opened my door for me and watched me as I sat down and buckled up before closing the door.

"When was the first day of your last menstrual cycle" he asked a little later and I glanced over at him so quickly- "I swear my neck snapped.

"Why are you asking me that" I said even though I already knew why he was asking. I honestly am not sure why that had not dawned on me when I started feeling so sick this morning.

He just looked over at me raising an eyebrow "You know why, love".

"The beginning of last month..." I answered as I worked out that math today was September 3rd the wedding was August 13th, and my period started August 1st, so I was-

"I am six days late" I gasped as I went back over the math repeatedly- how did I manage to forget that. Well, admittedly I have been distracted-very distracted- with other things.

"Six days?" Edward repeated for clarification and I absently nodded. "Hmm some symptoms are very early but..." he continued talking but I stopped listening.

I was still slightly shocked as I lowered my hand to my stomach it still felt the same to me. I lifted the cotton t-shirt I was wearing to look down at my stomach gently moving my hand over it, now that I really look at it there was a slight swell. I could feel the car slowing and then pulling off to the shoulder.

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