Chapter Twenty-Five

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Chapter Twenty-Five

The Reception

"Darling, just kiss me slow, your heart is all I own

And in your eyes, you're holding mine"

Perfect- Ed Sheeran

Edward and I were seated at our own table slightly away from the other guest. Everything was decorated beautifully as if we were in a woodland fairytale. There were curling green vines of leaves, white blossoms, and lovely white candles on all the tables.

"Alice really did a great job" I told Edward while I looked all around there were fairy lights strung up around us "We have to get her a really nice thank you present".

Edward chuckled lowly pulling me closer "She really did outdo herself" he kissed my cheek softly. I smiled and leaned closer kissing him.

Soon it was time for our first dance Edward stood and held out his hand I placed mine into his. He led us out to the dance floor then swept me into his arms. I placed one hand on his shoulder and the other in his hand. We had finally decided on dancing a Viennese waltz, we honestly hadn't really thought much about it, but Alice insisted we do something big for our first dance.

I could not think of anything else that was as breathtaking and beautiful as the Viennese waltz- it was one of my favorite dances.

I smiled up at Edward just as the soft notes of the music started and then we were off. Turning again and again around the dance floor it felt as if we were gliding through the air. I could hear the oohs and ahhs from the guest as we moved over the floor my dress floating around. Toward the end of the song I felt Edward's hand wrapping around my waist and I wrapped mine around his neck as he lifted me as we spun. He lowered me gently taking my hand and spinning me away before pulling me back and kissing me.

When we pulled away finally, I blushed slightly as everyone was clapping and more than a few wolf whistles were heard. We were both laughing as we pulled away from each other and were both pulled away for dances. Edward with Esme and me with William, then later Edward danced with Lena while I danced with Carlisle.

With all the 'official' dances out of the way the dance floor was now open to everyone. I danced with Jessica and Angela for a little while before making my rounds from vampire, human, and werewolf friends.

Eventually I was able to make my way back into my husband's arms we were talking quietly while swaying gently side to side.

"You look gorgeous, Mrs. Cullen" Edward said as he bent down to nuzzle his nose against the side of my neck.

"Why thank you Mr. Cullen" I giggled stretching up to kiss him quickly "that sounds nice... Mrs. Cullen".

"It sounds wonderful" Edward smiled my favorite crooked smile leaning down and kissing me.

It was exactly seven o'clock when Alice glided over and stole me away from Edward. Much to my chagrin I was quite enjoying where I was.

"It is time for you to change" she sang taking my hand and pulling me toward the house. I shot Edward a confused look over my shoulder, but he only smiled, so I turned to look back at Alice.

"Why am I changing" I asked as she rushed us up the stairs.

"It's a surprise" she smiled as she quickly unlaced my dress and carefully pulled the dress over my head. She handed me a strapless bra which I quickly put on and noted it matched my lace panties perfectly. Huh leave it to Alice I thought with a smile as she came out of her closet with a spaghetti strap deep blue dress.

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