Chapter Nine

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                                                                        Chapter Nine

                                                                        Bitter Illusion

                                                                 “Time To Fly Away”

                                                               What you want-Birdy

   I turned to tell Edward so, when suddenly Celina let out a cry and clutched her head sinking to her knees just as Alasdair pulled her into his arms. Tears were streaming down her face as she clutched her temples, squeezing her eyes shut.

       “Who is it, Cel? Just breathe and relax, my iubit” Alasdair spoke gently and urgently as he stroked her hair tenderly. After a few seconds Celina relaxed and curled herself into him and started sobbing loudly. I could feel my eyes watering as I glanced out the back window and in the far distance could make out the wolves that were running in this direction.

       “What the hell just happened” Rosalie asked cautiously as she glanced between Celina and the back door, before finally her gazed landed on me.

       “One of the pack was just killed, and as the Alpha Female or the Mother of the pack Celina is linked the closest to each member thus why she felt the shattering of the connection when they died.”

       “Killed?” Emmett echoed as he too glanced out the back door, as the first wolf appeared. He slowly turned back to face me as Rosalie walked over to open the back door as more wolves appeared. “What exactly does that mean?” he continued and the look he gave me let me know exactly what he was referring to.

       “That Gabriel has made his first move” I said quietly as I turned to go retrieve my phone from upstairs. I needed to let Lena and William know what just happened and advise them to make their way back home.

       Before I started up the stairs I turned to look over at Edward then to Rosalie and Emmett. “And we are now two steps behind” I growled lowly and quickly ran up to Edward and mine’s room.

       The phone rang less than a minute before Lena’s sunny voice answered.


       “We have a problem”

       “We are on the way”

       With that Lena quickly hung up and I made my way downstairs, where the entire pack was standing in the living room, in human form, completely nude. I blushed slightly despite myself and quickly made my way over to Celina who was currently being surrounded by her pack. Seeing me as a sister to their Alpha Fem they quickly stepped aside, I pulled her tightly against me.

       “It is going to be alright, Celina” I soothed as she continued to cry softly. “I am so sorry this happened. We will get him, I swear we will”.

       She pulled away then her eyes completely black, as her fangs slowly descended, and a low guttural growl left her throat. “They will all die for this, sestra. They killed my packmate and for that I shall kill two of theirs.” I felt the hairs at the nape of my neck stand on end as the guttural voice of Celina spoke. I knew then that she was truly lost to herself in this moment, weather with grief, anger, or both.

       “Follow the trail” she growled at her pack, who immediately shifted back in a symphony of cracking and popping bones. “Kill whoever is at the end of it” she hissed as she walked out the back door her pack following behind her.

       “Aduce capetele lor!” Alasdair growled lowly his golden eyes glowed darkly as he looked over his pack before he let out a long deafening howl. Celina followed up his howl, and the rest of the pack let out howls as well before they took off into the darkening forest.

       I glanced to the left and saw the body of a young girl who didn’t looked to be more than fifteen lying on her side. She was pale and her throat had been torn out, nearly decapitating her. I felt my stomach roll uneasily as I looked down at the grotesque scene unable to understand how anyone could harm a mere child.

       I felt a chill race over my body as I started to think about darker times that I left buried deep within me. No one knew about them except me and Gabriel and I rather keep it that way, but as I glanced at the innocent child I could not help but picture another innocent face.

 This one a small baby boy, with the darkest black hair, smooth pale skin, cold to the touch and a deadly silent heartbeat. I felt my chest spasm from the pain and I clutched it as a sob left me.

       “Don’t look, my love” Edward pulled me into his chest as I fought against my anguish and disgust. He ruined everything that he touched, and he would never stop until he was dead.

       “Her name is Kaila” Celina said softly as she lowered herself next to the slain girl and gently brushed her brown hair from her face. Within the werewolf culture, they do not believe in the death of the soul, only in the death of the ‘vessel’ or the body, For them no one ever truly dies, not when they move on to run under the goddess’s moon forever.  “She only joined the pack a month ago; a runaway” Celina sighed.

       “Come now, iubit” Alasdair said as he pulled her up and away from the girl. “We must prepare to send her into the viața viitoare, the moon will be up soon” Celina nodded stiffly as she rubbed at her nose. “I have to get the proper herbs…and, and something white for her to wear” Celina spoke hollowly as Alasdair led her back into the house.

       “Bella, would you please cleanse her for me in the stream…if you wouldn’t mind” Celina asked as her hand rubbed her stomach worriedly. “Not a problem, sister. Go lay down and rest, I will see that everything is prepared, okay?”

       She nodded and Alasdair shot me a thankful look and I nodded my head in acknowledgment. I sent Rosalie to the only store that I knew carried herbs, a small exotic spice shop, about an hour out of town with a list of what I needed, then called Alice and asked her to find a white dress for Kaila. Meanwhile I took her to the small stream and washed away every trace of blood and dirt from her body. Drying her off and wrapping her in the soft cream towel Rosalie offered me I brought her into Carlisle’s at home clinic.

       I slipped her into the beautiful pure white dress Alice brought. It was a fitted dress that flared out under the bust seam, with eyelet detail under the neck and at the hem of the dress that fell mid-thigh. She looked beautiful, like a slumbering angel fallen to earth.

       With a sigh, I began to dry and comb out her long brown hair until it was soft and lay nicely over her shoulders. Alice was able to use some special make up she had thankfully thought to pick up, to cover the horrible tear on her neck and the other cut and bites over her arms and legs.

       Once, we were done we all looked over our hard work with wistful looks. She truly was a beautiful girl, and it was a shame that she would never be able to finish living out the life she had been given in this physical world.   

       I hope the pack caught whoever did this, because I knew she was only the first in a long line of the dead that was soon to follow.


*Is a Romanian word. Means ‘Beloved’

aduce capetele lor

*Is a Romanian word. Means ‘Bring their heads’

viața viitoare

*Is a Romanian word. Means ‘Next life’


*Is a Bulgarian word. Means ‘Sister’

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