Chapter Twelve: The Dinner Party

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Two days of being stuck in that hospital was terrible, though I somewhat felt safe, I'm glad to be home. I stare at myself in the mirror and look at myself wear a black dress that I had bought barely a day before at Fairy Fashionista, and I bought a beautiful black unique ribbon too. Putting on some black heels, I continue to stare at myself in the mirror. "Juvia can't believe it...Juvia is going to a dinner party with Gray-Sama..." I say to myself as I close my eyes and try to visualize.

Wait! No Juvia, right now is not the time to have crazy daydreams! You must get ready for Gray-Sama!

I sigh, a bit flustered with myself and shaken up a bit. Calming myself a bit more, I then close my eyes as I lean back on my bed. Quietness. All my pondering thoughts leave my head as I then hear my doorknob go off.


That's the sound to depict when I go naughty or sexy!

"Coming!!!" I shout as I scurry to my front door, twisting the knob to open, and then gasp, turning super red at what I am seeing. "G-Gray-Sama!"

He gives me a smirk, as his black gorgeous hair waves along the wind. "Hey Juvia." He says, as he enters the house, and immediately I get a whiff of Gray-Sama perfume! It's super intoxicating and fresh, and really good, that Juvia can't handle herself. Gray is wearing a black dress shirt, buttoned up midway until you see his black guild mark and it's puffed up so that his shirt is stuffed inside his pants, and his belt is visible. His pants are really nice, and black too. His shoes make him seem even more mysterious too!

His necklace rests on his chest, as he catches me eyeing it, then his eyes roam onto my dress, up and down, from head to toe, as he then eyes my chest. "Wow." He simply says as I give him a twirl, and my dress spins freely. I love that feeling. "What's wow, Gray-Sama? Juvia's super beautiful body?! Except her legs...but mostly her body?!" I ask as Gray furrows his eyebrows as he looks down, then bites his lip, before slowly looking up. "Juvia." He begins slowly as my imagination runs wild, and everything is sparkly and pink!

"Yes, darling?"

"Where'd you get that necklace, it's so cool!"

Suddenly, I'm snapped out of my fantasy and am dragged back to reality.

"Eh?! This?" I lift up the necklace that contains Leonidas as I sway it a bit before resting it back onto my chest. He nods, as he then reaches his left hand out towards my chest and I turn really red, because he might grope Juvia's breast on purpose this time!

But sadly, it's a fantasy too!

He grasps my necklace within his hold as he examines it and fondles with it, letting every detail cloud in.

"Errr...Juvia got this by..."

Quick, Juvia think!

His dark eyes look up, as he stares at me, his head not moving from the position he's at.

"From...her a parting gift...before she left..." I say as Gray then raises himself back up into a normal standing position. "Well it's beautiful, you should wear it more often." He tells me as I smile and nod. "So, how 'bout it? Let's make our way to the dinner party?" He asks as he then realizes we're both wearing black. I nod, and wrap my hands around his strong arm.

"Yes Gray-Sama!" I say as he looks to the other side. "C-Can you let go of my's so possessive and obsessive he says as my eyes widen, and my brain interprets what he says. "Yes Gray-Sama! Juvia knows you love to have Juvia being possessive and obsessive! So she'll never let go!" I smile as we walk out of my house and his eyes widen as he is taken aback. "That's so creepy!" He says as I giggle. "Now, how many babies do you want?" I ask him as he groans.

"Not the baby question again!" He sighs as he pokes my forehead and I blink out of my fantasies. "Come on Juvia, try and focus on the real world." He sighs as I nod, and then we both start walking super fancy throughout Fiore to the dinner party. I see couples now, dressed all fancy like me and Gray, but we look even better! Because we're wearing black and no one else is! "Juvia can't believe it! A dinner party for couples!" I smile in awe as we make our way through the couples. "Yeah Yeah, blah blah. Lovey dovey." Gray says in annoyance.

"Do you not enjoy other people's romance, darling?" I ask him as he looks at me. "Well, not when they're being this expressive! Come on, we have to hurry on inside the palace, we don't want to be late..." Gray says as I smile and giggle as he shoots a look at me. "What's so funny?" He asks. "Gray-Sama, we're not late! We came here at the right time!" I smile as he sighs and rolls his eyes, as he then pulls something out of his pocket. "Here..." He hands it to me while looking in the opposite direction.


It's a blue rose!

I slowly take a hold of it, as I put it through my hair and blush. "Thank you Gray-Sama, now we can enjoy our fancy dinner date romantically!" I say. "Dinner party!" Gray corrects me as he then yanks me forward and starts to run toward the gates. "Gray-Sama! Wait! Juvia is wearing high heels!" I say as I try to follow him as he almost drags Juvia along. "Co-Come on...we have to hurry..." He says as I nod, my head deep down wanting to fantasize, but in reality, love this.

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