Part | 9 |

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Youngjae's POV

"Youngjae~!" Mark comes in, jumping around like a maniac with another Get Well Soon balloon. "You'll never guess what happened yesterday!" He's practically shining, I don't want to ruin it.

"What?" I manage a slight smile but it happens to be harder than I thought.


"Hey." Jinyoung comes in with some flowers, obviously shy. Mark blushes and closes his mouth to prevent further bullshit from escaping. What's he doing here?

"J-Jinyoung. Um. Here. I'll take those." He rushes up to him and replaces the vase with the fresh ones. "Youngjae this is my... Uh. This is Jinyoung..."

He bows in response and comes close to the window to shake my hand. "Hi."

I just stare at it, not moving from my wheelchair. "What happened yesterday?" Ignoring his hand and comment, I push the chair over to Mark. They both give each other side glances, neither wanting to speak first.


"Let me make you feel better." Jinyoung peppers kisses along my jawline and I don't dare move in case this happened to be a dream. Instead, I tilt my head to give him better access and close my eyes.

"J-Jinyoung." He stops and my eyes pop open at the fact I moaned his name.

"Sorry. I'll stop. I-I guess I should go now." He abruptly stands up and heads for the door.

I snap out of the haze he left me in and run after him. "Wait." He stopped at the front door, putting on his shoes before he fully stands up to meet my gaze.

"I shouldn't have done that. You're really vulnerable right now and I don't want you to keep me here because you feel like you need someone. I want you to like me because you like m-" I shut him up with my lips.

He's hesitant at first but kisses back and snakes his arms around my waist. Our slow kiss lasts about a minute and we take forever to let go. He rests his forehead on mine as we catch our breath. "You're not taking advantage of me." He smiles and leans back, not moving his arms. "I've liked you for the longest time... Even before Youngjae's accident." I must look like a tomato.

He shows me his wide grin and leans down for another kiss. I happily respond but he doesn't let it deepen. "I should go anyways. It's late." One last kiss was placed on my cheek. "See you tomorrow?"

I nod. "See you tomorrow."

Flashback ended

"N-nothing happened yesterday." Mark finally answers and Jinyoung looks slightly hurt.

"I think I'll leave you two alone to talk." He hurries out of the room, almost bumping into Dr. Kim.

"Good morning Youngjae!" Great. Someone else yelling in the morning. "Oh. Hi Mark." His mood instantly changes. "Were you guys in the middle of something?" We look at each other and back at the young doctor.

"Yeah we were." Mark answers for us. "Could we have a moment in private?" He nods and leaves, closing the door behind him. "Youngjae what's wrong?"

You. Him. Me. Everything. "Nothing." Mark sighs and sits on the hospital bed next to me.

"I wanted to say that... Jinyoung and I are... Kind of? Together?" He's smiling and biting his lip to contain himself. "That should make you a little happier right?" I turn away from the view of my window and face the chair towards him.

"Mark, of course I am happy for you. But..." I don't understand how to put this in words... "I don't want you to shove it down my throat." His eyes widen. "I get that you are in a better place now but what about me? I don't have a boyfriend or anyone I could possibly like because he's dead." My tears start to well up. "I don't want you around here reminding me of how little I have. Did you even ask if I was doing better? No! You didn't! Because it has to always be about you." I spit out the last sentence, leaving Mark in shock.

"Y-you don't mean that..." His voice cracks at the end.

"Yes. I. Do." Forcefully, I turn the wheelchair around and look out the window again so he won't see my tears falling.

"Fine! I won't come back here again! I hope you die alone asshole!" He gets up off the bed and leaves, slamming the door behind him. Good. Hate me.

Dr. Kim comes in, seconds later, rushing to my side. "Youngjae, what happened? Is everything alright?"

I chuckle in frustration. "No everything is not alright. Everyone I love is leaving me." My tears fall freely in front of him as if he was my friend. In fact, I didn't feel the least bit uncomfortable.

"I know for a fact that there are people who love and care for you who are still around." His hand lifts up my chin to face him. "Don't worry."

I look away again, wiping the tears off my face. "No I want them to leave... It'll hurt less." I mumble the last part, hoping he didn't hear. If he did, he made no sign of it and went to check the chart again.

"I have good news! You should be able to walk soon considering all the physical therapy you've been doing. Do you want to try again today?"

For the first time in forever, I truly smile. "I would love to." He was about to turn away before I stop him. "Dr. Kim?" He turns around and smiles. "Thank you." He shakes his head.

"Call me Yugyeom."

Guess what? I already have the plans for a couple stories and I want to know which one you would like to read next. My Markjin idea or the 2Jae one? Both will have happy endings. ❤️

Or will they?

LMAOOO I haven't decided yet. Tell me which one I should do!


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