Chapter | 15 |

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Jaebum's POV

"Weren't you boys all supposed to go out?" Youngjae's mom comes in the living room to find the four of us spread all over the couch.

"We just decided to stay in." Jinyoung smiles and you could see Mark sigh in happiness.

"I don't think I've met you two. I only see Mark hanging around Youngjae." A light laugh escapes her lips. "What are your names?"

Jinyoung goes up to present himself, all gentleman-like. "My name is Park Jinyoung ma'm." He bows while taking her hand.

"And I'm Im Jaebum." I smile, but quickly regret it as the words leave my mouth.

"Wait... Aren't you..." Her eyes narrow as she points at me. My heartbeat rises as I quickly glance over at Youngjae's confused expression.

"Anyways, nice meeting you." I smile, cutting her off. He can't know. Not yet. He will find out from me.

"Yes, nice meeting you both." The thought seems to leave her mind as she hugs us and I'm extremely thankful.

The rest of the night was spent throwing pillows at each other in a fierce game of war. I (of course) won against everyone, choosing Youngjae's kiss as my prize. He pushed me away since he was mad I hit him in the face as often as I did, so I went after and consoled him.

"Youngjae-ah. I'm sorry." I pout, using my favorite nickname for him. I can tell it's his favorite too, the way that he lights up when I say it.

He grins slightly and pulls me in for a kiss. "I'm still mad." He says when he pulls away.

"Of course baby." I take his hand and lead him back to the living room, seeing Jinyoung attacking Mark. "Hey! Get ahold of yourselves!" They stop kissing and look at us, embarrassed. They should be.


"Actually, I think Mark and I should go home now..." He smirks, causing Mark to blush. "But we'll see you when school starts!" He puts on his jacket and grabs his lover's hand when Mark is ready. They leave the front door, their fading giggles still audible through the door after a couple seconds.


"So." My arms find their way around his waist. I could get lost while looking in his eyes. "What do you wanna do?"

He shrugs and leans in, whispering. "I could get my mom to leave and we'd have the house all to ourselves."

I shiver at the thought of being with Youngjae all alone. We haven't been that close since we stayed over at Mark's for the first time. I didn't want to push it, since last time he was a little scared. But I'm still hoping. I bite my lip as a poor imitation of keeping my thoughts hidden. "That sounds great." A light peck on my lips was given before he went off to find his mom.

(I don't have wifi yet. I'm just at the library)

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