Chapter | 5 |

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Youngjae's POV

"It's too hot!" I groan, feeling all 96 degrees beating on my skin.

"Suck it up. We're almost there." Mark counters. He's right though. He pulls the door open and a wave of fresh air envelops us.

"Shit." That feels amazing. Looking around, I didn't even notice a certain someone was stealing glances at me.

"Let's get banana ice cream." I nod and let him order for us. We get our waffle cones and head to an empty table. "So what did you think of the new guy? Cute right?" I almost choke on my ice cream.

"No! And why are you interested anyways? Don't you have Jinyoung?"

He shakes his head. "That's why I wanted to ask. I want to use him to make him jealous."

I roll my eyes and continue eating. "Just ask him out. Stop playing these stupid games."

"You don't understand Youngjae. You're cold inside."

"I am not!"

"Are too!"

"Am not!"

"Yeah you are." He whispers, earning a glare from me.

"Whatever. It's not my fault."

I look up at him to find that he was looking somewhere else. He immediately looks back before answering. "Prove it."


"You heard me. Go out with..." He looks up, pointer finger resting on his lips. "Ooo the new kid. He seems to like you.~"

"No he doesn't." Instead of starting another useless fight, he motions for me to look back. I turn in my seat, finding Jaebum averting his gaze and sipping on his smoothie. "Yes. He. Does."

"I hate you. He's just a weird stalker. So no, I will not play your game."

"Suit yourself." He shrugs and stands up, cone in hand. "I'm going to go talk with him." He walks over and sits down at his table, purposely making their conversation inaudible.

Jaebum's POV

"Hi." He sits down in front of me and licks his ice cream. "I'm Mark Tuan. Youngjae's friend?" I nod, sipping my drink, loving how frustrated Youngjae looks right now.

"I know. He told me."

He smiles before continuing. "Great. So I have a favor."


"Be my boyfriend." I cough on my smoothie and he laughs, patting my back so I don't die. "Ok sorry. Didn't realize I was that unattractive."

I shake my head but cough a little but more. "It's just that it's really sudden and unexpected." He settles back in his seat, taking my hand in his.

"It's to make some guy I like jealous." I nod, not really sure what to do in this situation.

"Is Youngjae ok with this?" He tightens his grip on my hand, ignoring my question.

"So you'll agree?" He looks back at Youngjae to make sure he was looking. "It might make someone else jealous."

My face heats up and I don't dare to look at Youngjae right now. "Sure. For a little while."

"Great! See you tomorrow, boyfriend!" Youngjae yells something at him when he returns to his seat and they leave shortly after.

Youngjae's POV

"You're full of shit you know that? I ain't shopping with you no more." Mark laughs at my response, not fully comprehending how mad I am right now. "You can't just pretend date someone. Especially not him!"

He stops in front of me, arms crossed. "Why not him? Is he... Unavailable? Taken?" I don't answer, not seeing the need. "I didn't think so. I don't see any reason other than the fact that you like him."

"I really don't know how many times I have to tell you that I don't! He's just weird and a stalker, following me everywhere!"

"Sure. Sure. Whatever you say."

Don't expect too much from this book.

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