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Youngjae's POV

"Who's Jaebum?"

My boyfriend. My life. You met him, how could you not remember-

"Oh wait." Her long pause is deafening. "Jaebum." Her tone of voice sends shivers down my spine. "How did you know his name?" What?

He was my boyfriend.

She looks at the notepad and frowns. "Mark said you guys didn't really know each other." Mark?

Call Mark.

She nods, taking out her phone to dial his number. I hate this feeling in the pit of my stomach, anguish, a term I remember from English class. How could she not know him? She looks just as confused as I am but waits patiently for Mark to arrive.

"Youngjae!" As soon as he walks in the door, he hugs me. A little too tight. "I'm so glad you're awake!" I smile in response. My mother receives his confused look and explains I have to wait to talk again. "I missed you." He hugs me again, a little softer this time.

"I know you missed him a lot but we have a couple questions about what happened that day." Mark's expression saddens, he scoots next to my legs on the hospital bed.


Why did you say that Jaebum and I barely knew each other?

"What? I mean... You didn't like him so you never hung out... Are you ok?" His hand finds mine but I reject it as if it repulsed me.

What do you mean we never hung out? We dated for almost a year!

He bites his lip and leans in to whisper to my mom. She nods and leaves the room. "Youngjae... What exactly... Do you think happened?"

My tears threaten to spill over as I can't even answer that question. I don't know. He nods at my response, scooting in to console me. Tell me about Jaebum. Where is he?

He shakes his head no. "I think you've had a little too much today. Let's focus on other questions."

I shove him off the bed.

"Ow! Youngjae! I get that you're frustrated but you don't have to take it out on me!" I cross my arms in front of me, not regretting a thing. He was about to speak when Dr. Kim comes in.

"Youngjae. I can see you have no problem with regaining your strength." He checks the clipboard and scribbles again. "I've noticed you have enough energy and power to move your top half but could you try and wiggle your toes?" He places his hand in front of my foot. Nothing. "Well we will keep working on that but I have some good news!" The mood in the room lightens up a bit. "Would you like to go for a walk?"


Spinning the wheels on each side of me is the only way to get a thrill now. "Hey watch it!" I, of course, have to be careful when racing but it's better than staying cooped up in that room all day. "Come back here!" The wind rushing past my pale skin gives me a sense of euphoria, freedom within the confines of this metal chair. Skillfully, I brake in the sanctuary that is my room, hiding me from the security guards that were running after me. Youngjae. The voice sounds as though it was right behind me. I jump in surprise, almost falling out of the chair. Youngjae. The voice is familiar, one I haven't heard in a long time. Too long.


"There you are! How many times do I need to tell you to stop racing down the halls? That's not why we gave you the chair!" Dr. Kim yells at me as if I were his child. Please. I look older than him. "Now get back in your bed!" He helps me into the sheets with care that is the opposite of what he was showing momentarily. "We don't want you getting hurt again..." His voice was stained with worry, not anger.

"... Thank you."

He blushes slightly, tucking the blanket up to my waist. "No problem."

"Where's Mark?"

His blush leaves, his anger coming back. "He's not here. Is there anything I can help you with?"

"Tell me what happened." He sighs, sitting down on the bed.

"You know I don't know. So stop. Asking." I sigh and pull the blanket up to my face. Ignoring him, I turn on my side. He sighs as well and pats my shoulder. "I'll talk to Mark. Maybe he could gather up the courage to tell you." I turn around and pull him in for a hug. He laughs but hesitantly puts his arms around me too. "S-so you can see him tomorrow." Pulling back I could see he was biting his lip, slightly flushed. Again.

Is he sick? "Are you ok Dr. Kim?" He nods and abruptly stands up to leave.

"I'll talk with Mark for tomorrow." And with that, he was gone.



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