Chapter 1( meet Aiman)

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🎶Singing Radiohead at the top of our lungs

With the boom box blaring as we're falling in love
I got a bottle of whatever, but it's gotten us drunk🎶

Singing here's to never growing up

"What's this mess all about? and for God's sake stop playing this music, neighbours gonna complain! It's way too loud! "Mama yelled.

"Mama , stop worrying about our neighbours..
They have no right to interfere in our lives!"
Aiman replied angrily, while jumping on her bed , dancing along every beat of the song.

"Come downstairs and have your breakfast or else I will take this away and then you have to make that burnt paratha and omelette all by yourself!!"

Aiman immediately stopped the music and ran downstairs and sat down to eat her breakfast.

She finally gathered up courage to speak up.
"Mama , im going at my friend's party tonight... Im gonna stay up there late ... So don't make dinner for me tonight."

"Nice One... Concentrate on your breakfast!" Mama answered harshly.

"Mama, i am not going to take your answer as a NO!" Aiman insisted.

"Let her go Nazia!!" interrupted baba.

"Im sure you are gonna spoil your daughter... She should learn to stay in her limits... Partying all the time is not always good!! At least she should not forget her ethics and religious warnings!!" Mama was boiling with rage!

"But Mama...its just a girls' get together! NO BOYS i swear!  And and and.... I promise ... I won't go again... Please lemme goooo!!" She begged !

"Whatever makes you happy... ! I don't wanna get into your problems... you can do what u wanna do... don't complain me about it later..!"
Mama was really frustrated.

"Maammaaaa 😔"

"Don't worry... She will be fine soon !! You just get ready for your party!!"
Baba said happily..

"Yeeeaaaaap!!! love you dad"
Both of them gave hi-five to each other..!

Aiman happily went in her room and started creating mess again ... for the sake of searching something beautiful to wear in the party...

"Yesss ...Im gonna wear thiss... Everyone will just stare me and ofcourse Courtney and Katherine will be hell jealous...Burning out of rage.... Hahaha " Aiman laughed like a demon.

She was really happy...As if she is getting an oscar... she had already made Mama upset...  but she knew her dad will handle the situation perfectly as she was an apple of her Baba's eye ✨✨

Her flawless face sparkled with excitement as she swirled around with her maxi!

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