Chapter 3 (homeland calls back)

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"Put these clothes in that bag... Oh no no ... these shoes are to be kept in that suitcase... bring those gifts over here.... C'mon be quick beta... we don't have much time" Mama was creating fuss all around.

Whole house was busy in doing packing ...
Hustle bustle every where..!

After all! Beloved homeland was calling after 11 years!

Aiman sluggishly came in the living room and watched everyone, packing their luggage, with hatred!

"Mayynnn... whats this fuss all about? So many clothes... these irritating fancy wedding dresses makes me feel vomit! What on Earth is going on? You guys feel really excited, don't you? I'm sure all of you will start feeling sick of Pakistan's atmosphere in less than a day ...I swear u all will get suffocated with that filthy environment .. You guys will just hate everything there as much as i do...!"

Aiman smirked while watching her sibblings packing their clothes.

"You dork... ! You are being really nasty ! just wait and watch ... Im already excited to watch the beauty of Pakistan... Its scrumptious dishes, its culture and even im too desparate to meet my phuppo ...Shez gonna show me the villages of Pakistan ... the fields and ofcourse we will be visiting MOUNTAINS 😍"
Ali said enthusiastically !

"You were not even born over there... You were born in London... How come you are admiring that __"

"C'mon guys , stop this lame conversation, the cab is waiting for us outside ..
Only 2 and a half hour is left in our flight ...C'mon be quick .... I SAID QUICK!!"
Baba interrupted angrily!

Everyone quickly dragged theirselves towards the cab..
All of the luggage was placed above the cab.

Finally the driver made his way towards the airport.

After fulfilling all the formalities... the family sat down in the waiting area..
until the announcement about departure to Pakistan was made!

"Yayyyy... Im gonna sit with the window! I wanna be the first one to see Pakistan!"

"No , meee!"
Ali and Rania kept fighting!

"Desperate idiots!" Aiman murmured.

Ali stuck out his tongue in response.

"Shut up kids.. Here are your boarding passes... Now follow me!"

Baba said angrily.
Everyone went towards the plane.

Aiman was really really infuriated. All of her holiday plans went in vain!

She sat beside the window and whispered to herself with tears glittering in her eyes ... "Bye Bye London... will miss you.. I wish i could escape... But i hate to leave you... will surely find a way to come back... Im sure we can't stay there for more than a week. That place is not made for people like me...  I pray to Allah that we come back alive!!" She wiped her tears and stuffed ear pods in her ears. Her homeland had finally called her! The one who kept on speaking ill about it! But her country was desperate to call her, as it was longing for her since eleven years.

Pakistan had finally called her, and she was coming, totally
unaware of the mesmerizing welcome after few hours ,by her dear Pakistan!

The plane finally took off towards the blessed land of Pakistan !!! ✈✈

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