Chapter 14 ( Aiman's birthday)

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Another beautiful morning, Another beautiful day,

The bright and dazzling naughty sun,
Spreading its shine in a beautiful way 💕💕



Aiman's alarm started ringing. It was 7 in the morning, as she knew that all of them were leaving for Shogran today, so she wanted to wake up early.

She jumped up and quickly dismissed the alarm. She got out of her bed, stretched her arms and slowly rubbed her eyes.

And then she suddenly jumped with excitement.

"Its my 19th birthday today! Goshh!!" Aiman clapped happily!

Then she looked at the other corner of the room. The kids were not there! Not sleeping in her room.

So she went out, to find them. But there was no signal!
But it was so cold outside that she couldn't bear!

So she quickly changed her clothes, wore Kurta and pant, and wore her favourite sweater with gloves and socks.

She came out only to see that all of the doors were closed. Maybe everyone was still asleep!
She became confused.

"What? Baba said last evening, that we are going to leave for Shoooraaam by 8:00a.m, how come everyone is asleep?" She went forward to knock her parent's room's door but stopped.

"Maybe they have decided to leave later, and I'm unaware
'cause I slept really early last night, before everyone!!!"
Aiman sighed with dismay.

"But Mama and Baba were supposed to wish me! I guess they forgot! They were the ones who woke me up at 6 in the morning and sing the birthday song ,every year since my birth! And now...???" Aiman folded her arms in anger and went downstairs.

She saw her driver who was sitting outside and drinking tea while reading the newspaper.

She quickly went towards him and asked...
"Uncle? Do you know when are we supposed to leave for Shoooraam?"

"Haha? what did you say? Its Shogran beta ji!...Hahaha!" The driver laughed while correcting her.

"Urrrgh! Whatever! Do you know when are we leaving??" Aiman asked again.

"Yess Yess! Your Baba told me that we have to leave by 8!"
Driver informed Aiman.

"But its 7:30 already! everyone is sleeping, no one is awake???" Aiman got angry.

"Maybe you should go and wake them up! Or else we will get really late!!" Driver ordered her to go.

She quickly went upstairs and knocked her parent's room. But it was already open. Actually it wasn't closed before, it was already slightly open which she missed to see before!!
She went inside , only to find no one!!!

Then she went towards her Phuppo's room! It was also open now!! She assumed that her Phuppo would be in the washroom, but to her astonishment, she was nowhere to be found.

Then she searched for Umar, only to find him out of the scene too! She quickly came inside her room so that she can search for the kids which were sleeping with her last night!
This was even more horrible! Even the kids, were not in her room, neither in the washroom!

Aiman got worried sick! She dialled her father's number but no one picked.

She came towards her balcony and searched for the driver to inform him everything , but he also went away.

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