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Hello my beautiful readers!

Hope u all are safe out there? May Almighty Allah protect all of us from this deadly outbreak of COVID 19 and may every person suffering from it, heals very soon. Ameen

So I feel really elated to announce about my new story "Destined to be with you" which is specially written for those who enjoy love stories with a spiritual twist. Its going to be totally different from my previous work 'My dear Pakistan'.

And of course, how can I miss northern Pakistan? It's surely going to be a treat for my mountain and nature lover friends, in sha Allah.

I bet u, u guys are going to fall in love with the new protagonists and their emotional relationship throughout the story. So why not give a try to my new effort? Don't forget to give me your precious feedback .

JazakAllah ❤❤

P.S: the prologue is out now🙌🙌

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