Chapter 8 (Revival of hatred!!)

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"What happened to you last night?" Umar asked Aiman with astonishment while doing his breakfast.

"What do you mean?" Aiman asked as if she was unaware of what he was talking about.

"I mean, the way you shouted Pakistan Zindabad, no one saw that as everyone was busy hooting, but I did! "
Umar's eyes were full of questions.

Everyone was busy in their conversation , laughing and eating, hence no one noticed what they were talking about!

"Everyone was doing that so I also did! Thats not a big deal I guess!" Aiman replied angrily!

"Hahah! great way of hiding your patriotism..!" Umar taunted.

"It was not patriotism, it was just ...." Aiman was out of words now. She started ignoring Umar and focused on her breakfast, trying not to disclose the truth that she really did all of that ,purely with her heart, not to show off!! All of that was real and pure!!

Umar smirked and understood everything!

After eating the breakfast, all  the cousins, (Aiman, Ali, Rania, Hania, Umar, Palwasha, Usman(Hania's elder brother) and Saira(Hania's eldest sister , approximately of Aiman's age) planned to watch a horror movie.
Popcorns were distributed and 'Conjuring 2' was watched. Some were laughing , some were screaming, and some were making the younger ones afraid.

But Aiman was neutral!
Suddenly her phone rang!.
"Excuse me everyone!" Aiman went out of the lounge.

"Hello Aiman! where have you been? Its Emiley speaking! Thank God you picked up my call on whatsapp atleast!" Emiley (her london's bestie) angrily greeted Aiman on the phone.

"So sorry dear! I got so busy here! going from one place to another, sparing time with cousins. And do you know my sweet Aunt__"

"So you forgot me?" Emiley interrupted.

"Nahhh baybeee! You are my dear bestie, but you know very well that priorities do get changed when you are standing between myriad of relatives who want you to take to so many places!" Aiman laughed.

"Ehhh? so you are enjoying in that filthy country?" Emiley said with disgust!

"Ummm.. Its not that filthy as I expected!" Aiman laughed again.

"OMG! what happened to you? You are standing between terrorists, vulgarity, thefts and violence,and you think nothing is filthy over there? Yuck ! OMG, I thought you would beg your parents and come back within 3-4 days, but its been a week now! You are stupid!! We are celebrating Bronzey's birthday party within next two weeks, and its gonna be a total blast, You should be in London next week! I don't wanna listen any more!" Emiley warned Aiman!

"Emiley, please try to understand! I can't come back before the wedding is over!" Aiman tried to explain herself.

"You have to choose between that monotonous wedding, or your friends!"Emiley warned once again.

"Ok , but give me some time to do something please!!"

Aiman assured Emiley and was finally agreed to talk to her parents.

The movie was already over.
Aiman hurriedly went towards her Mama's room and told her everything about Bronzey's birthday!

"Aiman! You are again talking on that topic?"Mama said with disappointment.

"we are not leaving Pakistan before two months!! and the good news is that your phuppo has announced that we are going to abbottabad day after tomorrow! "Mama said happily!

"But Mama, I want to attend Bronzey's birthday, Emiley said , all of my college friends will attend her birthday, its gonna be a grand party, a very memorable and amazing one, I don't wanna miss it Mama, not at any cost!" Aiman pleaded!

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