Chapter 13 (Exploring Naran!)

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Aiman sneezed for the 30th time.

She was covered in the blanket and was still shivering.

Beside her, her little cousins and sibblings were sitting, constantly blowing their noses on the tissue paper, wearing gloves, beanie caps, and mufflers around their necks.

"Hahahahaha!! Look at your faces! You all look like a clown with red noses!!"
Umar mocked all of them while standing on the doorstep, watching the whole scenario!

"Thats not fair bhaiyya! We are already sick! Don't make fun...Aaaaaachhhooo!" Hania tried to reply but ended up sneezing again.

"Ofcourse, who am I , to make fun of you all! You guys are genius enough to take care of yourselves. Do one thing more, its gonna rain again within one or two hours, don't forget to enjoy it once more! And you Aiman, get ready to take all of the blame on yourself!" Umar was being sarcastic.

"You also danced in the rain last night ,didn't you?" Ali (Aiman's little brother) taunted.

"Yess chotayy bheem, I did. But Im not foolish like you guys. I drank a cup of hot honey water, when we came back! It worked there and then!" Umar laughed like a demon.

"How selfish!!" Aiman gritted her teeth.

"Now stop laughing and help us find a way to escape from Baba's anger!!" Aiman concluded.

"Oh really?I stopped you guys yesterday, but you didn't listen. Now face the music by yourself!" Umar smirked and went away.

Aiman got really angry but nervous too!

"Mama and Baba won't let me go anywhere now if they figure out what we did last night!" Aiman groaned.

Although it was 7 in the morning ,everyone was still asleep , so they were unaware of everything!

After sometime, Aiman heard her Baba coming in her room.
She got more tensed. She knew Umar would have disclose everything!

"Guysss!! What happened to you all??" Baba was shocked to see everyone shivering due to fever.

"Bbbbbaaabaa!! Acc.. tually! We...." Aiman stammered.

"Hmmm! Umar told me everything!" Baba interrupted.

Aiman got more and more tensed now!

"He told me that the climate of Naran didn't suit you guys and the rain__"

"The RRRaaaain!!!! That is what I am going to tell you about!" Aiman shouted quickly, so that she can come up with something fake!

"I know beta! Umar told me that the weather became so cold yesterday and you all were....."

Aiman's heart started beating quickly.

"You all came back before it started raining, and were just playing in the balcony, but unfortunately ,you all caught flu!"
Baba concluded.

Everyone sighed with releif!

"Yes , he was right!" Aiman agreed with her Baba , but was a little confused.

Umar came from behind and winked at her making her understand everything!

He finally helped her in something!

"I guess we should give them some hot soup or *honey water* , they will be fine then!" Umar suggested.

Baba agreed and went outside to buy yummy soup from a nearby shop.

"Thank you so much Umar bhayi!" The kids shouted in unison.

"Thank you so much Umar! Finally you proved that you can be a little bit helpful and a good boy too!" Aiman laughed as a huge burden was removed from her shoulder.

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