Chapter 11 (The prank!!)

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By the time Aiman woke up, everyone was busy in marinating the chicken and beef, as well as collecting the woods to lit up the fire!

She came out and sat on the chaarpayi (a light bed stead used in Pakistan consisting of a web of rope or tape netting)

The temperature started to decrease again. It was almost 13°C now! Everyone wore their sweaters and jackets. The woods were placed in the centre and the fire was lit by the gents.They started cooking the marinated chicken and beef. Aiman also joined them!

Sitting by the fire was a blessing at the moment.Everyone was loving the heat!
Finally the finger-lickering food was ready to be served.

Boys brought some cold drinks and Abbottabad's special 'Naans' to make the meal even more enjoyable!

Everyone sat in circle, around the fire and the meal was finally served. It was more than scrumptious, spicy and mouthwatering.

Cold weather, family gathering, BBQ party and ofcourse mountains....
What can anybody else wish for, other than that?

The party went fabulous!

Next morning, after having breakfast, all women and men left for Abbottabad's Bazaar for shopping, and to buy some souvenirs as well as some clothes for Palwasha's wedding,but left children in the house with Aiman and Umar as they were least interested in shopping.

"C'mon guys ! let the elders enjoy their shopping, we will play UNO" Umar announced.

Children started jumping with excitement as it was their favourite game!

"I'm going to read my book! You guys enjoy!" Aiman excused.

"No way! Read your book later! I don't know anything, C'mon join us, RIGHT NOW!!"
Hania scolded Aiman and dragged her towards the room where the game was supposed to be played.

"Hania noooo! I don't wanna play ! I don't even know how to play !!" Aiman protested.

"Stop making lame excuses Aiman! We will teach you how to play!" Umar teased her.

She angrily sat down and forcefully started playing the game!

"Are you still angry on me?" Umar laughed while throwing a card in the centre.

"Why would I be angry?" Aiman threw a draw four for Rania(her sister).

Rania became angry and waited for her revenge.

"Then why are you not talking to me?" Umar frowned while throwing a reverse!

"Is it necessary to talk to you all the time?" Aiman said sarcastically and threw a card.

"Ofcourse No but.... O shit ... Thats not fair mayyyn! What have I ever done to you? why a draw four? I was about to win the game!" Umar buried his head in his hands and started moaning.

Everyone laughed like hell!

"That was just a minor revenge ! Wait for the big one!" Aiman threw one more card when her turn arrived and like a boss stood up and announced her victory..

"You all loosers, get some classes from me!"
She straightened her collars and went outside.

Everyone got angry!

"How can she win! She didn't even know how to play!" everyone said in unison!

"Lets take a revenge from her!" Umar said in anger!

"But she won on her own! she didn't cheat like you Umar bhayi!" Rania defended Aiman.

"Dear Rania! don't forget you also lost the game because of her, she surely deserves revenge!" everyone convinced Rania and started making a plan to disturb Aiman.

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