Chapter 6 (some childhood memories)

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Everyone woke up by 8 a.m.
Aiman sluggishly moved from her bed,wondering again that how is she sleeping so peacefully and having so sweet dreams?

She had never slept so peacefully ever in her whole damn life before!

She quickly changed her clothes and wore a loose top and a pant and prepared herself for the day!

Everyone was called for the breakfast downstairs.
A long table was arranged for them. The breakfast included butter, breads, desi ghee, hot Naans, glasses of Lassi (Pakistani drink mainly consisting yoghurt, milk and sugar, all blended together!),and the special omlette and half-fri eggs made by Aiman's phuppo!

"Waaah bhae! Today I can happily say that Im going to have a desi, fat-rich breakfast after 11 years!"
Baba said joyfully , rubbing his hands!

"Make sure you don't eat too much, you know very well that your cholestrol is always high!"
Aiman warned his Baba!

Baba made a sad face!

Everyone laughed!
"C'mon start eating guys, we have to discuss a major plan about what we are doing next week!"
Aiman's phuppa (phuppo's husband) announced!

"Plan about what Dad?" Umar asked impatiently.

"As you all know Palwasha is just going to be married next month, I and Mona have decided that how about going on a trip to northern Pakistan. As Amir and his family members are here after sooooo long, and as Palwasha also wants to make her pre-wedding days memorable, how about availing this golden opportunity?" Aiman's uncle finally broke the suspence!


But Aiman kept silent! She kept on staring her glass of lassi with a confused look, trying to figure out what it was made up of! :D

"Then, its final! All of us , including Samia's (Hania's mom) and Saad's (Aiman's baba's youngest brother) family , are going to Abbottabad and further north within next 5 days!"
Aiman's phuppo announced!

"Oh my God ,I can't control my excitement!!" Ali giggled so devilishly that everyone laughed!

Almost everyone's face was sparkled with delight, but Aiman was all normal! not much excited.

Aiman's phuppo was constantly noticing her expressions. By that time , she understood that Aiman was really really getting bored of everything.
When the breakfast was finished, Aiman's phuppo called her to her room.

At first, Aiman felt really awkward , but when Mama insisted, she had to go against her will.

Both of them entered the room. The room was still chilled with the cooling of air conditioner. Sweet aroma of a perfume , filled the atmosphere..!!

"Come bacha, sit over here!"
Phuppo patted on her bed and asked Aiman to sit there.

Aiman was really hesitating at the moment. But she sat down.

Then her phuppo took out some albums from her drawer and sat by her side.

"Aiman, I want to show you something." She opened the photo album and pointed towards a cute, fairy-like , adorable girl sitting on Aiman's phuppo's lap.

"See, this is my little Aiman , sitting with me ! You know what? You were only 4 years old and you always came running to me calling my name Mona Mona Mona... Hahahaha " she laughed

"You were only 2 years old , when I used to change your pamper.. and you kept giggling as if someone was tickling you!"

"Hahaha Really?" Aiman was astonished!!

"Hahah yeah my sweetie! You were so stubborn, that you always said NO to the food your Mama prepared, but when I made your favourite cutlets , you ate all of them and still said *I want more Mona!*"

"Hahahahahaha!!" This time Aiman bursted out laughing!

"I don't believe this !" She kept on shaking her head in disagreement.

"This is true, and one time your baba scolded you for colouring all of your walls with your colour pencils! So you came running to my home ,all alone , as your house was just next to mine! and refused to go back, and stayed with me for whole two days, and guess what? you were just six at that time!"

Aiman's mouth was left open in disbelief!
"You know what? when you were born, who held you first?" Phuppo asked happily.

"Who was that lucky person?"Aiman giggled.

"That luckiest person was me, your Monaa, not even your Baba, not even your Mama, It was only me!"
"Your beautiful name , was also suggested by me!"
Phuppo smiled ear to ear!

"Awww, thats so sweet of you! I really love my name!" Aiman thanked her.
"See this picture, we both are doing pillow fight!" Phuppo and Aiman, both laughed! "And in that picture ,you are cutting your 1st birthday's cake, made by me and your Mama! But you were just busy looking at your balloons, so afraid ,not from their bursting, but the fear of them getting stolen by your cousins, instead of focusing on the damn cake, you were busy keeping an eye on your cousins and the balloons!" Phuppo laughed hard!

"Hahahahah, I was a dork!! and the cake!! It looks so yummy!" Aiman replied excitedly!

"When you were 7, you fell really sick! Doctor instructed you to not to eat icecream or any other coloured food item! But you silently came to my house and begged for icecream because you knew I won't refuse! But I cared for your sickness so instead of buying an icecream from outside , I made you one, all by myself, which was not bad for your health, and look here is the picture, all of the chocolate icecream was spread on your face, it was everywhere on your body, except in your stomach! you resemble a brown monkey in this picture!!"

"Hahahahahahah!! What happened next?" Aiman asked impatiently.

"Nextt!!! hmmmm! Next , your Baba decided to leave for London! For his job! The day when you were going , you kept on crying and saying *I wanna stay with Mona* . That day I cried alot , my husband, Umar , Palwasha everyone consoled me but, I didn't stop crying!"

Phuppo concluded by wiping her tears!

"Phuppo, look ,Im here, by your side!" Aiman tried to console her ,she also tried to control, but she too, couldn't resist and hugged her phuppo tightly and started crying like a little baby!

"There was not a single day in these 11 years, when I didn't see these pictures!" Phuppo kissed Aiman's forehead.

"But now Im so close to you , please don't cry Mona!" Aiman started laughing!

Her phuppo was so happy after listening that!
Both of them bursted out laughing. Phuppo, hugged Aiman and kissed her forehead again!

"Waaaaooow, all of your love is for your neice, but your son? Oh I remember, he was adopted right?" Umar clapped and taunted after watching the whole scenario!

"Always be jealous!" Phuppo wiped her tears and teased Umar.

"Anyways, Amir Mamoo was asking about how about going to Minar-e-Pakistan and Shalimar Bagh tonight?"Umar asked her Mama.

"Sure why not, Im sure Aiman will also enjoy!" Phuppo looked back at Aiman.

Aiman nodded,

"Ummm, I guess probably!"
were Aiman's words !! Finally!

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