Chapter 2 (invitation)

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"Here comes the gorg!!" yelled Emiley when Aiman entered the party ..!
Every one was busy dancing on the loud beats of Akcent's Kamelia...!

Aiman was busy enjoying with her friends, dancing , taking selfies, playing games, and eating her favourite mac and cheese bites.. This night was really memorable for her ..
Her friends were her life and staying away from them meant living without oxygen.

At 2:30 a.m .. after watching a horror movie...all of them were hell tired.. So they decided to sleep.

Without telling her mom that she's gonna stay, Aiman fell asleep.

Next day ,Aiman woke up at 12 p.m and checked her phone only to see 45 missed calls of Mama...
She suddenly felt goosebumps all over her skin and a chill ran down through her spine.

"Girllllsss .... I need to go home now... Mama is surely gonna kill me today..! "

"At least have your break fast girl..!" Emiley shouted from behind.

"Nah ..Nah ...Not even breakfast... Mama's missed calls are enough to make me feel full now!... Gotta go"

Aiman ran quickly, hired a cab ..and went straight towards home.

She stepped inside like a burglar, slowly, slowly trying to make minimal noise.

Suddenly she heard someone clap from behind!

"Oooooh ... the queen is here! Our highness ... What can I do for u ? Ummm....
Would you like to have a............. " Mama gritted her teeth as lava boiled out from her furious eyes.

"slap ... or should I take all of your pocket money?... Or how about changing your college? or would you like any other punishment highness? " she continued.

"Ummmm ... none of them Mama " Aiman smiled mishchevioisly .

"You are really making me upset Aiman ... You are a spoiled brat and this is the greatest disappointment of my life!"

"Sorry Mama....." Aiman replied without feeling ashamed.

"Dear Baba where are you?" She murmured to herself.

"I will change your college! Keep crying for the rest of your life!" Mama spatted her words with immense anger.

Aiman tried to hide her shameless laughter even upon getting scolded so badly.

"Keep laughing! Ill-mannered! I will talk to your Baba and will send you out of UK. Then stay there for the rest of your life! Most probably Pakistan!"
Mama warned her.

"PAKISTAN? What the hell? I would like to jump from a cliff rather than staying there for the rest of my life!" Aiman was serious and infuriated this time.

"Behave. Don't ever forget where you were born!"

"Blah blah blah!" Aiman ignored her mom and went inside her room.

"Badtameez larki!"

Trrrrringggg trinnngggg

Phone bell interrupted

"Hello... Assalamualaikum.. Nazia bhabi (brother's wife) I'm Mona speaking from Lahore... "

"Walaikumassalam ... How are you ? How come you called me after so long?? " laughed Aiman's Mama

"Hahaha ... Arey don't ask .. life is so busy here .... Can't even explain on phone... Wanted to share a good news... Bhayya(brother) and all of you are invited for my daughter Palwasha's wedding.." Aiman's phuppo (aunt) said happily on the other side of the phone.

"Congratulations Mona... Im really really happy for you... Amir will be really happy to listen this... And why not ...We will surely attend the wedding ...
I was just talking about Pakistan with Aiman.
Im already missing Pakistan so much ... We will surely meet and will atleast come for 2 months In sha Allah ..."
Promised Aiman's mother happily..

On listening all of this conversation , Aiman's baba happily congratulated his sister on phone and announced excitedly .. that all of us are leaving for Pakistan next weak !!!

"After all its the matter of happiness... And we punjabis can't leave any occasion ... You just wait and prepare for our arrival...!" Baba announced joyfully.

Mama , Baba , Ali (Aiman's brother) and Rania(her sister)
Everyone was really really cheerful. Opportunity of going back to Pakistan after 11 years was more than a blessing

"Aimannnn! I have a good news for you angel!!!" Baba happily rushed in her room.

"Pakistan? Why is everyone talking about Pakistan since morning? Why on Earth are we going there? " Aiman raised her eyebrow.

"Beta, we are going to attend your cousin's wedding! Remember your most favorite Mona phuppo? Her daughter!"
Baba smiled.

"We have to get ready as quickly as possible! I can't wait to..."

"See terrorism ? filthy streets? and meet those desi annoying relatives? No way , I'm not gonna spoil my summer in that dirty.. violent country... the people over there and their culture .... Is totally illiterate... Yukh....Im not going there... I can stay at Emiley's house ...Its a way better option" Aiman interrupted her Baba.

"Aimaaannn! don't forget that your origins are from Pakistan... Shame on you ..And your bad thinking! You have really hurt me... Your Mama was right.. You are out of control now... We are going to Lahore for 2 months and you are going with us ...That's final... You haven't even seen Pakistan since 11 years and u r talking rubbish about it... Shame on you ... A big fat shame on you!!"

Baba scolded Aiman for the very first time as he had immense love for his Pakistan...But had to move for UK for the sake of job!
Listening anything against his beloved country was equal to declaring a war against him.

Aiman shut the door behind her and started crying like a baby.. She really hated to leave London.. and Baba's anger also made her really really disappointed.

"All those plans! My summer vacations! Urghhhhh! I hate you Pakistan!!!! I don't wanna go!" Aiman cried and shouted simultaneously while her face was buried in the pillow.

She cried , cried and cried like a stubborn child until she fell asleep , unaware of the most enchanting memories Pakistan was going to give her really soon!

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