Last Chapter!!

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The airport was beautifully decorated with green and white lights.
The luggage was loaded on the trolleys and Aiman's family started to move towards the entrance of the airport.

Hania, her sibblings, and some more little cousins came towards Aiman and one by one handed her cute gifts like chocolate, bouquet, roses and earrings.

Aiman kissed her little fellows and gave them their favourite toys which she bought secretly few days back, only for them!

All of them smiled cheerfully.
Aiman's phuppo came towards her brother and complained,

"It would be better if you stayed two three days more over here! "

"Would love to! But my boss would kill me if I extended my holidays! And Ali's and Rania's schools are starting from 16th of August!" Aiman's Baba apologised.

Finally everyone hugged and wished each other, good luck!

Aiman hugged her phuppo again and gave Umar a high-five and asked him , not to be sad!
Although she was the one who should not be!

"C'mon Aiman, lets go!" Mama ordered Aiman to follow her inside the airport.

"Bye Bye Looser!" Umar said unhappily.

"Bye!" Aiman smiled weakly.

She gradually turned, and slowly walked towards the airport. Far from the airport, some national songs were played which could be easily heard over there.

Aiman started to feel strange, weird and awkward. The words of the songs revived a spirit of patriotism in her heart. Her body started to shake although it was really hot out there! She couldn't utter a word. Her face was emotionless! She was lost in her own thoughts!
She could easily see many people going inside the airport, different people meeting their relatives, or waiting for them to arrive, but deep inside, she felt nothing! She was mentally absent!

The memory of the day when she arrived to Lahore's airport with her family, went across her mind. She was angry, cursing the weather and the people of Lahore, constantly begging her parents to go back to London. That day , she really hated to stand in Pakistan.
But today, she felt proud to stand in Pakistan. After all she witnessed everything! Every jewel of Pakistan within 2 months!

Her eyes glittered with tears. She felt ungrateful! She recalled how pathetic her thoughts were about Pakistan. How ungrateful she was when she landed on the precious land of Pakistan. She regretted each and every moment, she passed in cursing and blaming her own homeland. All she wanted to do was, curse herself for cursing such a mesmerising country!

She came closer to the entrance gate , lost in her thoughts, lost in the memories of her beautiful country. Tears fell down again through her cheeks, and then unintentionally but she stopped!

"Aiman ?? Come in!! What are you waiting for?" Baba shouted.

She stood there, frozen.

"Aiman, you listening or not?" Mama asked angrily.

Aiman looked at her parents with tearful eyes.

"Speak up dear what happened? Did you forget something in the car?" Baba asked.

Aiman finally shook her head and innocently uttered,
"Baba .... I... I am, I am not, not going back!"

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