Chapter 12 (heading towards Naran!)

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"Whats the plan for tomorrow?" Baba asked everyone while spreading butter on his bread.

"I guess we should stay here for one or two days more. As Aiman is not fine , we should delay the trip of Naran!" Aiman's phuppo replied.

"No no Phuppo! I'm aboslutely fine! Please don't postpone the plan!" Aiman assured everyone that she was better now.

"Are you sure Aiman? The journey towards Naran will be really long and tiring!" Mama asked.

"Mama, everything is okay! I am fine!" Aiman reassured.

"Okay then! Without any delay, we should head towards Naran tomorrow!" Aiman's phuppo announced.

Everyone became even more excited because Naran was even more heavenly than Abbottabad!

Everyone started rearranging their luggage as everything was scattered here and there. Whole day went like that!

Next day, everyone woke up by 6:00 am and started stuffing their luggage in the coaster.

Aiman quickly got ready and wore her favourite pant shirt, with hoodie.

Everyone quickly did their breakfast and then farewelled Aiman's grandparents as they were not going with them and quickly sat in the coaster.

This time Aiman sat at the back seat, as per her sibbling's and cousins' request!

And as usual, Umar joined them too!! :D

Whole gang sat at the back so that they can make the journey memorable and the elders were asked to sit in the front.

Finally the driver started to head towards Naran!

On Umar's request, driver started playing songs and his gang started singing and dancing along.

These bollywood songs were new for Aiman, as she kept listening english songs since her childhood, she didn't dance with them, but kept laughing on their stupid poses.

The driver finally bypassed Mansehra (a beautiful city adjacent to Abbottabad).

The driver finally bypassed Mansehra (a beautiful city adjacent to Abbottabad)

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It was only 8:30 a.m by then. After every 6km rise in height, temperature started to drop by 1°C.

After bypassing Mansehra , A picturesque valley 'Balakot' came into sight.

After bypassing Mansehra , A picturesque valley 'Balakot' came into sight

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