Chapter 4 (arrival to Pakistan)

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"The plane has successfully landed in Allama Iqbal International Airport ,Lahore!"

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"The plane has successfully landed in Allama Iqbal International Airport ,Lahore!"

The announcement enlightened the vigor inside everyone's heart.

Aiman woke up immediately when the plane touched down and rubbed her eyes in surprise!

"We are finally here after this long journey... why God why?"
She still had some tears in her eyes.

"C'mon children ... get up ... Lahore is here.. make sure you don't leave behind anything!"
Baba instructed!

Passengers started creating havoc which annoyed Aiman even more. Some were pushing and some were taking so long to leave the plane.

Finally the family made their way towards the airport.

They waited for their luggage to arrive and after that came outside the airport.

Aiman's Mama and Baba were feeling really elated..

"After 11 years... I'm standing on the soil of my homeland! Its been so long ... Finally my Pakistan called me back!"

Baba wiped his tears and smiled proudly! Mama also felt proud to come back! Rheir happiness was priceless.

Suddenly a voice from behind interrupted their patriotism.

"What the Hell? Its so damn hot ... That scorching heat is gonna kill me ... Lets go back Mama! Please." Aiman yelled in disbelief.

"Aiman we are here for 2 montgsy.. We are not going back to London now ... So stop acting like a baby.. Your childish acts are making both of us really angry!! And bear this weather silently! " Mama glared her making her mouth shut up !

"O look...there is Umar...waiting for us ..C'mon quickly!"

Umar ,Aiman's phuppo's son was impatiently waiting with a banner in his hand on which Aiman's Father's name was written. His sleeves were folded and he kept on walking from here and there to find the guests.

Umar was really handsome tall and dashing. He looked very mature and intelligent by his personality.

"Assalam u Alaikum , how are you my son? You have grown up to be so hansome MashaAllah.."

Baba came from behind shouting with happiness!

"Walaikumassalam Amir Mamoo (mother's brother)! It's a pleasure meeting you after so long!"

Baba hugged him tightly.

"Salam Mami , hello kids and there.. " He paused for a while, trying hard to recognize an angry lady standing behind.

"Is she Aiman?" Umar asked sarcastically!

"Yes I'm Aiman ... any doubt?? " Aiman said in a bad manner!"

"No way .. I mean you have changed so much MashaAllah, Fatter than before, more uglier than before and of course so tall like a giant!" Umar and everyone laughed out loud.


Aiman was about to pour lava ,which was boiling inside her, upon everyone but Mama squeezed her arm warning her to behave!

She rolled her eyes and gave a disgusting look .

"Hahahaha just kidding! I think we should move on ... My driver is waiting and I'm sure Mama would be going crazy by now! .. She was so desperate since last night and is very impatient to meet you...!" Umar laughed.

Every one sat down in the car and the driver sped off towards Umar's house.

Aiman kept on examining the city ...
The city was really beautiful.
Tall buildings, greenery, wide paved roads and exquisitely decorated footpaths!

"Here we are" Umar announced.

The wide gate opened and the car drove towards the huge garage.

"Oye look the guests are here..." some kids ran happily towards the car.

Aiman's phuppo came running and hugged her brother.
"Ya Allah ... You took so long to come here.. Now i will not let u go before 2 months!" Aiman's phuppo cried with joy.

Aiman coughed so hard that all of them were looking at her.

"AREYYYYY AIMANNOOOOOOO .... Mera bacha ..." Phuppo came towards Aiman and hugged her so tightly she could nearly breath and stormed her with loads of slurpy kisses leaving her feeling really really annoyed!

Umar , Mama and Baba laughed silently!

Then she moved towards the smaller ones .. Ali and Rania and kissed them too.

Ali was really glad to meet her and immediately said
"Phuppo Phuppo , you said we are going to have loads of fun over here!"

"Yes my Jaan. Ofcourse not only over here ... All of us will go and enjoy a trip to North!"
"Yayyyy Yayyyy" Ali and Rania jumped with ecstasy.

The family was led inside .
The lounge was huge ... It looked more like a hall. The luggage was moved towards the respective guest rooms.

"You guys must be really tired , so u better take some bath and have a little nap.. Then in evening we will go outside to have some dinner!"
Phuppo said.
And everyone agreed.
Mama and Baba were given separate room and Aiman ,Ali and Rania were in other room which was beautifully arranged and was really peaceful to be looked at!

Aiman took a shower , changed her pant shirt and wore a skirt and laid down on her bed.
She was really frustrated. She whispered to herself

"wow .!!Just waaaaaooooow!!!!.. Hello Pakistan! thanx for ruining my vacations already and thanx for making them the worsssst evvvverrr! I can't breath in this house full of annoying and disgusting people.. This crowd of relatives makes me feel sick. 2 months are so much.. Im gonna die of this suffocation...Im gonna die....I WANNA ESCAPEEEEE!!"
She punched her pillow in anger and gradually closed her eyes...

Poor soul!!

Little did this poor soul know that what she considers the worst was very soooon going to be her best!!! Or even the besssst of the bessst !!!

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