Chapter 17 (Farewell to the Northern views!)

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After exploring Murree, having a good time during shopping in Nathia Gali, and enjoying the nature, having a mouth watering dinner in a hotel, including chicken karahi and parathas and biryani, everyone decided to go back to the guest house by 9:00 pm.

Everyone was really tired. As soon as they reached their destination, they decided to pack their luggage to avoid any further delay in the morning!

Later, all of them went for sleep.

It was 2:00a.m , everyone was asleep except Aiman. She kept on changing her sides, fidgeting from one place to another, unable to sleep in such a peaceful place! Her eyes were wide open! No sign of sleepiness! But only sad facial expressions! She wanted to cry, calm herself but she was getting even more upset.

Atlast! She stood up and went outside in the balcony. She could easily see huge mountains displaying beautiful mini lights, maybe small houses. The view looked even more charming in the moonlight!

 The view looked even more charming in the moonlight!

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She kept on watching it with teary eyes. A strange feeling kept on generating inside her heart! She whispered to herself,
"Tomorrow, I won't be here, neither I will get a chance to visit these heavenly places again! Gosh! Never in my life! I wish I could live here for eternity!" She sighed with dismay but suddenly paused.

"Wait! What did I just say? Live here?" Aiman laughed , laughed harder, and even more harder and then suddenly started crying.

"What is happening to me? Why am I crying? Is the idea of leaving these places so soon, hurting me? Do I really wanna live here for eternity? But London is where I have to live! What else can I do?" Aiman wiped her tears, took a deep breath, stared the mountains again, and tried to save each and every view in her mind.

She sadly went in her room and finally fell asleep.

Next day, everyone quickly gathered around the van, stuffed their luggage inside it, and quickly sat in.
Aiman sat by the window and kept on staring the beauty of northern Pakistan.
She watched it with dismay.

"Good Bye Mountains!" She murmured while waving her hand.

Same views started to come again which she saw while coming to Abbottabad. The van passed by Islamabad and Kallar Kahar.

Temperature started increasing, from 13 to 30 degree centigrade. Everyone took off their sweaters and opened the AC of the van. Within 4-5 hours, Lahore arrived.

It was really hot here. Scorching sun kept on irritating everyone. Everyone took out their luggage and went inside Aiman's phuppo's house.

The driver left as soon as he was paid.

"Chalo Bhayi! Shukar Allah ka! We finally reached home! Now without any further delay, the preparations for the wedding should be started! The decorations, the distribution of invitation cards, catering arrangement, everything!!" Aiman's Phuppo announced impatiently.

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