California's Got The Drugs, Miami's Got The Love, and Vegas Has Girls Like Me.

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California's Got The Drugs, Miami's Got The Love, and Vegas Has Girls Like Me.

I don't know if I should say this. What if someone finds out it was all me? Will the person I confess to even care? Truthfully, I cannot answer one damn aspect of these questions. I'm still trying to find the right person to tell.


I walk up to a big building in none other than Vegas. A man in all black asks me to see an ID, and I show him one. It's not exactly mine, but as long as I don't get caught I don't really care about that. It smells like Cigarettes and alcohol in here, so I know i'm in the right place. It's Deja Vou, you know? I spent my whole life in a house where mommy dearest got drunk, got high, and got laid, but that's aside the point. I'm in the right place because I’m in a bar. I just need to be in a bar right now.

There's a band on stage, and though I've zoned out on most of the songs they've played, I like what I have heard. Daddy, where are you today? That's the line in one of their songs called The Day I Left the Womb. That's not totally a summary of my life. Not at all. Anyways, for the past half hour, the bassist keeps shooting me glances. I wonder if it's because he thinks i am strange sitting here all by my lonesome or because he finds me attractive. More times than not it's the first reason. You'd have to be blind to think I am pretty.

The band, that I now know to be Escape The Fate, is done on stage. They have made it quite clear that they are interested in my presence, as they are walking towards me now.

"I'm sorry, but we couldn't help but notice you're sitting here all alone." Says the lead singer as he takes a seat next to me in the booth.

Soon enough all five of the guys are squished into the booth. I am pushed up against the wall with the lead singer on my right side. On his right side is one of the guitarists. Across from the Guitarist is the Drummer. Next to the drummer is the guitarist with bleached blonde hair, and finally we have the cute bass player sitting across from myself.

"I'm Ronnie." The lead singer says to me. I am immediately dazzled by his perfectly straight, white teeth shown off in a gorgeous smile.

"Call me Monte." Says the boy with bleached blonde hair. He's about as cute as a teddy bear with those adorable cheeks.

"Omar." Says the guitar player. I can't quite place where I know him from, but I recognize him.

"Hey, man! I'm Robert." The drummer reaches out for my hesitant hand, and shakes it.

"Sup? I'm Max." The cute, hot, sexy, amazing bass player says. He flashes me a smile, and I notice his teeth are not as straight as Ronnie's are. Not that it bugs me or anything, I mean I've never had perfect teeth either. It's just cute how he is confident enough to show them off, and I am as sheepish as ever about it.

I think they are waiting for me to introduce myself, but I just shoot them a small smile.

"We were just wondering why such a pretty girl was all alone." Ronnie says to me.

"You must be really drunk, or something's really wrong." Max says seriously, but then, realizing what he said, laughs along with all of the other boys.

I shrug at them, and earn myself some more strange looks.

"Do you talk?" Monte gives me a confused face as he says this. I just shrug. They just pile on the wierd looks.

I grab a napkin off of the table and eyeliner from my purse to write down my number for them. I then push it towards the middle of the table and look Ronnie dead on in the face. I assume he knew that I was ready to leave, because he nudged Omar out of the way so I could get out of the booth.

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