Promise Me

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( Dedicated to: NobodyxLovesxMe, xXxSongOrSuicidexXx, and AlexiVanity. Thank you all for messaging me, without you this chapter would not be up so quickly. Oh and By the way, you are all to go and check out xXxSongOrSuicidexXx's stories, because they happen to be the best Max Green and Ronnie Radke and Craig Mabbitt stories ever! DO IT.)

            I am home now, back in this apartment once again. I have come to accept routine, and sameness all together at this point. I used to bounce around and be some hyper apt-to-change kid, and now I'm a boring adult. I'm eighteen now. What else can you call me? A teenager because of the teen part. A stripper because of my job. A model because of my part-time occupation. An ex girlfriend because the guy I love keeps dumping me on my ass. A whore because of the way I dress. Whatever the case is, I don't care what you call me. Because, I am me. There's nothing you could say that would make me change myself. Now if I hate me, which I do, that's a different story. I actually care what I think of myself. If that makes any sense at all. The rest of the world will never know me as well as me, and surely they'll never be me. So there's nobody better to judge me than me.

            Anyways, it is now June 16th, and my birthday is in exactly eleven days. I suppose It's just going to be another lonely day around here. And now  that I'm looking around my apartment, it's trashed from the extremely huge fight grey and I had yesterday morning. I kind of miss my best friend in the entire world. Where could he be? I'm the only person he really can trust in the entire state of Nevada. Anybody else would soon see him dead. The living room table still has coke powder on it, accompanied by a razor blade.

            "Why not? The rest of my life sucks. Might as well live a little." I said, kneeling down and snorting some of it up.

All my life i've been fucking happy,

Fake a smile and end up laughing.

Razorblades and straws alike,

Still I say that i'm alright.

          "Paper..." I mumbled, getting up and searching for a pen and paper to write the lyrics down with.

Would you be the reason that I stay, or the reason I go.

The pain's not worth it anymore, just to let you know.

You have my heart, you threw it on the ground.

Broke it in to peices, and kicked it around.

And I wish i never met you on that night.

Yet i'm still the one to say that i'm alright.

            "Yes!" I grinned, genuinely happy with my creation. The band is going to be so happy that I keep making lyrics. If only I had music to go with it... well, I have a few guitars. I jumped over my couch and ran to the small room next to grey's old room. It had pretty much everything in it. All of the old furniture was dissassembled and shoved here, my clothes were sitting on the old couch in here, and my two guitars were in here. I should probably make an effort to sell some of this stuff. It might be worth money, and I'm not even using any of it.

            I pick up my phone and called Blake.

            "Hey babe. What's going on?" Blake said. He sounded exhausted. He was such a whore. Probably off fucking some girl right before this. It didn't bug me though, because that was his life. And he was my friend. I'm not going to disown him for breaking hearts. I break hearts. Wait... I still have to break a heart. Nevermind.

            "One, I have a whole notebook of songs to show you and the band. Two, I need help getting rid of some crap in my apartment." I looked around the room. I wanted to use this for a music room. I could get a piano, and maybe another amplifier. Not if all this shit's in here though.

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