My Life Feels Like A Cliche Fiction

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What was the first thing I did after hanging up with my now ex boyfriend? A few lines of cocaine, and then a call to my old best friend, Grey. I was not ready to make up with him after what was said, but he was the one to get me through my last break up.

"Wow, it has been a really long time." I heard his husky voice say.

"Hi." I said softly. Taylor was asleep in the living room right now. I had just gotten home to discover my baby brother passed out.

"I don't know about you but... I kind of miss you." He admitted. I lied to him, saying I missed him too, but truth is my life has been so exciting that I barely noticed he was gone anymore. But one thing was for sure; I needed him now. My brother's too young to understand, and my band should not be brought into my personal shit. We are friends, but I don't want all my problems to weigh down our music.

"So I'm sorry for what I said I guess, I was right, but I should'be known that you don't like to hear the truth sometimes... Especially when it hurts."

"You're right about that." I sighed.

"You didn't call to apologize, though." He said realizing my intentions.

"Umm, no, but I am sorry." I said, wanting to cry, but my high overriding my emotions. I love drugs.

"No it's cool.." he said. "What happened? Haden break up with you?"

"Actually I broke up with Haden a long time ago." I admitted. "He was a douche, and was really controlling."

"Oh." He said. "I guess you never really loved him. You always liked that Max guy anyways." He recalled. "Did you talk to Max and he pissed you off or... What?"

"When they got off tour, I went to see them at their party. I made up with him, but he said some awful shit... And we stopped talking. Like a week later he shows up to my work and apologized. He took me to meet his mom. We had a great couple of months until we found out I was pregnant." I reared up. That was a sore subject. I touched my flat belly that once held a baby.

"Oh wow. How far along are you?"

"I'm not I..."

"Oh you got an abortion?"

"I miscarried." I squeaked.

"I'm sorry."Grey said softly.

"And at first I didn't want to be pregnant but then I thought it wouldn't be so bad. While I was pregnant Max and I fought constantly over everything, because apparently I was changing and becoming this responsible, realistic person."

"Does he not understand that you had to be in order to prepare for a baby."

"No." I sobbed. "But then I miscarried and he was happy.. and ughh. I am really ducking sad about that still. But the worst part is that when we finally had a normal, loving relationship again... He goes on tour. Normally I have no problem with it. It comes with dating a musician. But he said he would call me sometimes..." I said crying.

"And he never did." Grey concluded.

"No! Not once. And he ignored me for a fucking Month until I call Robert and Robert out him on the phone. Apparently him and Ronnie have been bad out there on drugs.".

"No offense, but you already knew he did that shit."

"It's just.. the night we went to meet his mom, he said that if I ate normal, he would get clean too. Both of us were supposed to go to rehab but then I got pregnant."

"I see. So you guys tried to do it by yourselves."


"And he goes out on tour, after a month of you eating normal and he was telling you he would get clean and he was really just getting high the whole time."

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