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I just woke up and it is probably nine in the morning. Normally, I'd be like "Oh, it's okay. I go to work at ten." Today, however, I woke up to run to the bathroom and puke something I didn't have to puke out. And now I hear Max coming in.

"Siggah..." He said slowly. "Just because you're going to rehab when I leave for tour, doesn't mean you can binge and purge now. Think about your band." He said in reference to my boys, whom I haven't seen since my party about four weeks ago. On my birthday we made them stay with Ronnie, Monte, Robert, and Omar because we were... busy. But they stay at my place, but Taylor is there too, and it's really crowded. So Max and I decided to stay at the "Fate" residence in Max's room. Do I even want to know what those boys are doing with my apartment?

"I'm not-" I threw up, and Max rushed to get my hair out of my face. I pulled my head back up. "This is not intentional."

"HOLY SHIT, ARE YOU PREGNANT?" He shrieked. My eyes went wide as I clamped a hand over his mouth.

"Shhhh. You'll wake everyone." I said.

"We need to go get a pregnancy test." Max said. "I think-"

"There's no way morning sickness starts this early. Does it?"

"I don't know I have never been pregnant before!" Max shouted.

"What's all the-" Ronnie came in, his hair looking frazzled. "Are you hung over?"

"Yes." I said. "Max and I were just going to get some coffee and aspirin." I said, standing up and feeling dizzy. I swayed to the side and slammed into the wall, and Max caught me. I felt really sick, and I was really hungry. I've felt hunger pains before, but never this bad.

"...Never had that happen to me when I was hung over." Ronnie shrugged and walked away. It was three seconds before he turned around. "And get me some Starbucks while you're out!"

"Let's go." Max said, gripping me tightly.

"I don't want to be pregnant."

"Honestly, I don't want you to be pregnant either." Max said.

"How the fuck could this possibly happen, for the first part, I don't eat. Like ever. My hormones are all fucked up, and there's like a tiny chance of getting any anorexic pregnant."

"Well, your lady cycle must have started up again because you've been eating." Max said. "But I don't want you to be pregnant because-"

"I HATE KIDS!" I cried. "I never wanted any kids!"

"Ahh, there's the hormones. We might not need to buy a pregnancy test." He shook his head, starting the car.

"I'm going to get fat, and lose my modeling job, and have to take care of an awful little brat that cries all day."


"Just another reason why I think you should NOT be a mother." I snapped. She stopped going on about how she didn't want kid. "You're really self-centered, you know that? You have a baby, my baby inside of you, and all you can think about is your goddam self. There is a long list of things that good mother have to be, one of them is NOT anorexic, another is NOT fucking narcissism, and most definitely NOT doing pills. Do you know what that could do to the kid?"

She stayed silent.

"Christ, you hate your mother so much I can't meet her, but you aren't much better. You're worse! Something tells me your mom didn't do drugs with you inside her stomach."

"We are NOT keeping a baby Max." She said. "You can't stay around to play daddy, and I'm too fucked up to be a mommy."

"So you plan on getting an abortion?" I asked, kind of unsure how I felt about this. But it was true; my band is going on tour in a while, and she desperately needs to go to rehab.

We All Have Daddy Issues (Max Green)Where stories live. Discover now