You're Not Interested In Her, I'm Not Interested In Him.

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You're Not Interested In Her, I'm Not Interested In Him. Where's The Controversy?

(Musical Inspirations: Scars by Papa Roach, Hurt by Nine Inch Nails, Medication by Silverstein, Seize The Day by Avenged Sevenfold, and Friends and Alibis by Escape the Fate.)

I’m driving to Haden’s shop right now. I’m going to drag him to this party if it’s the last thing he does. In a way, I feel guilty. He knows nothing about my history with Max and Ronnie, nor does he know that I still like Max while I’m kissing his lips. Another prime example why Sigridur sucks as a person!

I open the door and I see Sarah sitting in the chair. After getting accepted by the Suicide Girl’s I realized that Sarah’s stage name was Bambu. She’s one of the main girls, seeing as she was on the “Suicide Girls’ Guide To Living” movie. I have her to thank for my success.

“Hey beautiful.” Haden said, finishing the detail on a feather.

“Hey sexy.” I laughed nervously and I kissed him. His arms snaked around my waist and Sarah coughed.

“Sorry.” She said. “It’s just a little awkward for me.”

“No I get it.”

“I think I’m done for today anyways. I can’t take much more pain!” She grinned. She left and Haden turned to me.

“So what brings you here? Is your sleeve fine?” He pointed to my arm that was covered in tattoos.

“Yeah, I think I’m healing nicely, and the colors are still pretty. But I came to ask you about this party I’m going to tonight. I wanted to see if you’d come with me?” I asked.

“I think my dad can take the shop for one night. What time’s it starting?” He smiled.

“Well it’s my friend’s party and we’re pretty close so I’m just going to show up at eight. They won’t tell me to go away.”

“Great, I get to hang with a bunch of girls!” Haden said sarcastically.

“Actually, it’s a bunch of guys. And they like tattoos and music… so you’ll get along.”

“Uh OK?” Haden said, unsure.

“What’s the matter, babe?” I asked, wrapping my arms around his neck and pouting my lips.

“You have an awful lot of male friends. You’re too pretty too just have of been friends with them. Did you ever-“

“Okay, I dated Max, but it was for a few months and it didn’t work out.”

“Is he going to be there?”

“Yeah, but we’re cool now. It was a long time ago.”

“Alright. And babe?” He looked down at me.


“Thanks for telling me the truth.”

“Why would I lie?” I smiled and he just shrugged. Another customer walked in and he started talking to them. I took this as my Q to leave. I took a right turn out of the shop and I heard someone singing. The voice actually sounded incredibly familiar.

“Passing through the city lights, closure for the kids that died.” Ronnie Radke, of all the people to run into sang.

I quickly turned around and took the left turn. I had never been this way before, and it wasn’t in the direction of my apartment, but I didn’t want to face Ronnie until tonight.

I heard him and his girlfriend talking, and they were headed right towards me, so I quickly ran into one of the stores near me. It smelled like pot in here, but there were guitars everywhere so I could tell it was a music shop.

“Welcome to the music stand!” Some girl said. “Haven’t seen you before, what’s your name?” I looked at her. In every way she was plain. Her hair was brown, her eyes were brown, her face held no striking features, and all that stood out was her over-tweezed eyebrows. So it was no wonder that I had felt like I had seen her before, because I had. She looked just like every other bitch walking down the streets. Oh well, at least she seemed nice.

“I’m Siggah.” I said.

“Sweet name. So what brings you in here?” She asked, sitting on top of the counter. I mentally debated on whether or not I should tell her the truth.

“Uh, this guy I used to know was walking towards me and I panicked and ran in here to hide from him.”

“Oh.” She frowned. “Well if you’re not shopping that’s called loitering so get out.” She pushed me towards the door and opened it for me. Right when Ronnie and his girlfriend were walking by.

“Bye Siggah.” The girl rolled her eyes and shut the door.

“Bitch.” I mumbled. My luck, which is usually pretty damn good, turned bad. Ronnie stopped walking and was looking right at me.

“Don’t I know you?” He asked me, and his girlfriend hugged him. This is when I realized I didn’t have feelings for Ronnie like I did Max. I didn’t get jealous or want to hurt the pink-haired girl hanging on him. Yet I hadn’t even met Max’s girl and I already wanted to kill her in her sleep.

I smiled and suddenly felt much more relaxed. I don’t like you like that. I thought. This makes things 50 percent less awkward between us. “Miss me?”

“SIGGAH!” He grinned. “This is my girlfriend Mandy. Mandy this is my friend Siggah. She’s that girl Max told you about.”

“Oh? So you’re the one he practically cried over?” She smiled. “I’m Mandy, nice to meet you.” I liked her. She was pretty cool. But did she say Max cried over me?

“Nice to meet you too.” I smiled, not bringing the subject of Max back up.

“So listen, about that day you left the tour…” Ronnie said.

“It’s cool. I’m over it if you guys are.” I made that plural, but it really only applied to him. Hopefully his girl wouldn’t catch on the fact that we were talking about when he proclaimed he loved me. It obviously wasn’t true if he moved on. Maybe the same goes for Max…

“Yeah, completely not your fault. I guess we wouldn’t have known had you not left. So good on your part for staying in Vegas until we got back.” He smiled. I knew he meant to say ‘I’m really glad you’re still here after what happened. It was my fault, but I was too stupid to realize that what I was doing wasn’t right. You Just broke up with Max that day.’

“Like I said, it’s cool.”

“So what happened with Saskia, we saw her push you out of her store.” Mandy said, nodding her head towards the store I just came out of.

“Saskia.” My mouth went dry. “That was Max’s girlfriend.”

“Yeah.” Ronnie said uneasily. “You didn’t know?” He looked at Mandy and she got a funny look on her face.

“What?” I asked. This whole ordeal was completely unrealistic and confusing.

“No, it’s just Max said he talked to you earlier, I just assumed he had told you about her. She does know who you are.” Ronnie said.

“That’s not weird, and I’m the Ex?”

“No she’s about to be the Ex, sweetie. She’s such a bitch.” Mandy giggled. “And Max never shuts up about you.” Ronnie laughed too.

“Why does that make me happy?” I asked Ronnie.

“Because you still love him, and you never stopped.” Once again I knew the underlying meaning. It’s okay that you didn’t like me back. I should have known you liked him, and I’m happy for you. Everything’s good now.

“I guess you’re absolutely right.” I smiled.

“Well isn’t she coming to the party later? We’ve got to go do that thing.” Mandy smirked.

“Yes we do.” Ronnie smirked back and they walked off.

So Max doesn’t like Saskia, and I don’t like Haden. Why is this so hard? Right, because now two more hearts are going to break tonight. I have to tell Max how I feel, and tell Haden good bye. I have to break a heart to save my own.

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