The Day You Cease To Surprise Me Is When You'll Really Surprise Me

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>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>JUNE 26TH, 2005>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

“Hello we are America!” I screamed, sticking my head out of the window. I decided to get drunk while we were driving back to Vegas.

“Shhhhh.” Max pulled me back in the car. “We’re home. Just refrain from jumping out the window.”

“Oh thank the god I don’t believe in!” I shouted to him, though he was right next to me. Sometimes when I’m drunk, I get really sad, other times really angry, a few times I get happy and loud, and very rarely I tell everyone the blatant truth. Telling the truth is very unlike me. I like to mask it. I like to lie.

“I hate the truth so much. I think that’s why I lie constantly.” I blurted out. So I’m in a ‘let’s-be-honest-because-I’m-drunk’ mode today. “I’m a compulsive liar aren’t I?” I asked him.

“Not compulsive, but you do deny your problems.” Max said, pulling me from the window again. By now he was getting really annoyed. “Stop doing that you could get hurt really badly.”

“I think I deserve it. To be hurt. Because I’m a horrible person.” I said.

“Babe, why are you being so passive aggressive towards yourself?” Max asked.

“Cause isss what happens when umm drunkk.” I slurred.

“You go on an honesty rampage?” He laughed, patting my back because I was hunched over all sick.

“Mmmmhmmmm.” I mumbled.

“Try to go to sleep. We’re almost there, but I’ll just carry you inside. And you’re smashed.” He said softly.

“Uhuh.” I agreed. I was so tired. I was nearly sleeping when I mumbled, “I like it when you take care of me.” I yawned. “My dad never took care of me. And you’re such a good person and I love you so much. I don’t ever want to lose you. Tell me you’ll never die. Tell me it’s okay. Max I love you soooooooo much.” I blurted out really fast. We were parked at the apartment complex, and he was picking me up to carry me to my room.

“It will be okay. And I love you too. I love you like a thousand times more than any other girl, and your dad’s stupid for walking out. Both of our dad’s were.” He hushed me. He unlocked my door with the key under the mat. I didn’t know he knew about that. I wonder… oh that night him and Ronnie were over drunk. That very first night. I told them both about the key. Better change hiding spots.

“Does your mom like me?” I said. He set me down on the couch.

“She thinks you’re beautiful.” He kissed me. “Doesn’t everybody?”

“I don’t.” I admitted.

“Why not, babe, you’re so fucking hot. And everyone thinks so.” He sat down next to me and played with my hand.

“Because it doesn’t matter if they think I’m pretty. I don’t think I’m pretty.” I snapped. He flinched a little, but didn’t yell back. He only wiped away a tear from my face. “And this is why I don’t drink. I get stupid when I drink.”

“You’re not stupid. You’re just sad.” He sighed.

“I can’t do this anymore. Stop it!” I cried harder, he tried to pull me into a hug and I just pushed him away. “Okay, I move here, we hook up. You some how manage to find out all the shit I don’t want anybody to know. Then we get into a huge fight because you use it all against me. Tell me I have fucking issues, like I don’t already know this. Then I don’t see you for months and it’s like my entire life has just fallen into this giant pit of despair, and when I see you again I’m falling all over you. You don’t even fucking care. You’re so high and mighty and perfect and have no problems or something? So you tell me to go away, only to show up at my job the next day and we go on a huge ass road trip to see your mom. We just got back together and I’m meeting your mom. Why would you even want to take me home anyways? And we had makeup sex that day, and you just… ugh. Fuck you. When we get there, you tell me I have to go to rehab so I can start eating normally again. Then here we are now.” I seethed. Max’s eyes were wide. I’m not ever angry. I don’t lose my cool. Even with Haden I didn’t lose my cool. “You’re telling me I’m okay. But don’t you get it, you jerk?”

We All Have Daddy Issues (Max Green)Where stories live. Discover now