We Are The Reasons

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"Ughhhh. So tired." I whined. We were driving for hours and still didn't reach the place we were going to. We weren't going back to Vegas either, because we drove right through it to get to where we were going.

"Let's get a room then. It's probably going to take a while to get to where we're going." Max suggested.

"Okay." I said.

"Want to get food first?" He asked.

"No!" I said too quickly. He gave me a weird look.

We turned onto an exit, because we were driving down an interstate. On this exit there were a bunch of fast food places, and shops. There was also a big hotel thing that I can't remember the name of because I'm so tired. It started with an H.

We checked in, and Max and I split the room for the night. It was like one hundred dollars, and pretty expensive. I felt bad having him pay for all of it, so I wouldn't let him.

There were no bags for us to carry up so I told him we should take the stairs.

"It's good exercise!" I exclaimed.

"Do we have to?" Max said half way up. He was tired as I was and the stairs didn't help. But it burns a lot of calories to take stairs instead of the elevator.


"Ugh." Max groaned. "I'm going to be way to tired to have makeup sex tonight."

I turned around and gave him an 'Oh really?' look. "Max, stop exaggerating!"

"It's true!" He complained.

"We're here already!" I said, walking over to the door. We were on the fourth level. I unlocked the door and pulled Max inside. Quickly I slammed the door and locked it.

"So you're really so tired that If I were to take my clothes off you would just pass out?" I asked.

"Yes." Max hid his smile.

"Wow, would you look at how easy this dress comes off?" I said, pulling it off. "Oh look. I'm not even wearing underwear." I teased him. He fake snored. "Now there's no bra. He opened one eye, but quickly squeezed it shut. I laughed. "I'm going to take a shower, Max." I said, walking into the bathroom. It was kind of small, but atleast the shower was decently sized. I turned on the water, thinking he would be in here by now, but he didn't come. Maybe... Maybe he was tired. So I finished shaving my legs, which took all of 5 minutes, and still he wasn't here. Suddenly I heard the door open.

"Can I come in?" He asked.

"Thought you were tired?"

"I changed my mind." He laughed.

"Yes you can come in." I laughed.

He opened the curtain and kind of stared at me for a second.

"What?" I said. I refrained from looking anywhere but his face.

"You're beautiful. And I like it when you have hips, way more then when you're a skeleton."

"Basically you're saying 'Don't be an anorexic, siggah. You have a nice ass'?" I asked, laughing.

"No, it's just, don't you get how fucking gorgeous you are?" He asked.

"I eat now Max. You don't need to lie anymore." I smiled and shook my head. Was he being serious?

"I'm not lying!" He smiled. "This," He grabbed my ass, "and these, "his hands cupped my chest, "are nice. And you're perfect this way. Okay?" He said, his hands still there. I was glad we were in the water. Because then he would have seen I was crying.

"Stop crying, it's okay." He kissed me, and I looked into his eyes. His pupils were dialated. He was high from something. Might be coke. Might be heroin. Could be pills. He was high, though.

"It'll never be okay. But let's just forget it." I whispered. "For tonight at least, let's just forget that it's not."

"OK." He nodded. I think he knew what I meant. That we are both really messed up in our own ways.

He pushed my back up to a wall and spread my legs apart. I wrapped them around him and he pushed in.

Closing my eyes, I let the feeling engulf me. This is so... wow. It could be another seperate addiction on its own. And maybe that's why so many guys want it so bad. Has anyone ever thought about that? Why guys only think of sex? Why people keep doing drugs? Why bulimcs and anorexics do what they do?

Because. It. Feels. Good.

"Max, we've been driving for days. Where the hell are we?"

"In Ohio!" He exclaimed.

"What the fuck!" I exclaimed. Surprises I usually take well, but not when I haven't packed enough clothes to leave. He could have warned me. All I have is the clothes from the photo shoot, that they are going to make me pay for if I don't give them back next week. I was also supposed to have another photo shoot with Bambu yesterday, but I had Max call her and tell her I got pneumonia.

"Why are we driving in circles?"

"No!" He said, not admitting we were lost.

"Call the place we're going to for directions." I suggested

"Wait!" I missed the street! It was covered by a tree!" He exclaimed.

"Okay, Max." I said, a little aggravated.

We drove down a street and into a small house's driveway where we parked and got out of the car.

"C'mon! She's not expecting us. It'll be a nice surprise." He said excited.

"Who's not expecting us?" I asked as he knocked on the door.

"You'll see." He said, and immediately after that a pretty blonde lady opened the door. She was kind of old, but still was fairly pretty. She jumped and hugged Max, pulled back, and studied me for a second.

"Who's this?" She asked.

"Mom, this is Siggah. She's my girlfriend."

"Oh!" Her expression softened. "Nice to meet you I guess."

"Yeah. Nice to meet you too." I gave Max the death glare. He took me to meet his mom? What the hell? We only just got back together. What is that?

"Come on!" She said, and Max grabbed my hand, pulling me in. This. Is. So. Awkward.

We All Have Daddy Issues (Max Green)Where stories live. Discover now