We're Just A Bunch Of Scary Kids Scaring Kids

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We're Just A Bunch Of Scary Kids Scaring Kids.

Robert Pulled into the driveway and my heart stopped. When I get nervous... I get nervous. There was this one time in ninth grade when I wanted to sing in the talent show. I was, and I still am, a great singer. Not to brag or anything, but I really like my voice. Anyways, I was so excited to go on stage and sing my fucking heart out. Then right before I got on stage I threw up. I coulnd't sing because I was "to sick to perform", according to the instructor who was authorizing the show. Dear god If I puke while I'm talking to Max... I'm going to go home and slit my wrists. I'd rather die of that than have to live with the shame.

"You okay?" Robert asks as we're walking up to the door of their house.

"No." I said honestly.

He looked at me for the right words to say, but nothing came out.

"I'll get over it. I have to, don't I?"

"You don't have to do anything." He smiled. He finally found the words to say.

"You're a fucking amazing friend." I said and with that I hugged my new-found friend goodbye. And to Max's we go.

I found him before I found his room. Surprisingly he was in the kitchen with his band members. Catch the sarcasm? They are never not toghether.

"Hey." I said.

"How did it go?" Ronnie asks me with a smile.

"I guess it went well. I got a job at least." I heard Robert enter the room.

"Wait, what?" Max asks all confused.

"I got fired yesterday."

"Awww. We were going to come visit you at work." Max said.

"Well..." I trailed off. I didn't want to explain my new job. I told Ronnie I wanted to be a bartender, because being a stripper was degrading, but I am a stripper again. It sucks, but I chose to come to Vegas. It's my fucking fault.

"We can visit her at her new job." Robert said.

"Beer!" Ronnie cheered.

"Well..." I said again.

"Hold up. Where did you get hired?" Ronnie asked, all traces of a smile gone off his face.

"This Club called the Marquee. It's not as good as Nightlife, but... whatever."

"What's your position?" He asked me, pressing for information.

"I'm dancing." I sighed.

"Is that a bad thing?" Max got up and stood infront of me, blocking my view of all the other guys.

I couldn't speak, I just nodded.

"I'm sorry."

"You didn't move to Las Vegas." I shook my head.

"Anyways, we need to talk." I looked over Max's shoulder to Ronnie. He just looked down at the table.

"Okay. Let's go to my room." Max grabbed my hand and held it all the way to his room. This guy is cute. Super fucking cute.

"So you remember how you woke up incredibly naked the morning after the party?"


"We had sex."

"As I recall."

"You know?"

"Yes Max, I remembered it today." I smiled at him to let him know I wasn't mad.

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