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ℭ𝔥𝔞𝔭𝔱𝔢𝔯 𝟏

ℭ𝔥𝔞𝔭𝔱𝔢𝔯 𝟏

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I stare blankly at the girl who has to sit next to me for the rest of the year, taking no interest in the newbie. She'll probably end up being on the top of Caitlyn's 'hate list'.

"This is Katherine Steen, a new girl. Treat her nicely, class." The teacher pushes her glasses up onto the bridge of her nose and smiles brightly at the blonde girl stood beside her. "Would you like to tell us something about yourself?" Katherine smiles politely at the teacher and fidgets anxiously, maybe not used to the stares and attention of a whole class.

"I'm Katherine," She starts off idiotically. Well, duh, we already know that! "I'm a single child and I have no pets, my parents are hard-working business focused people and I love ice cream and cheese." The class cringes at the thought of a bowl of cheese and ice cream. That is pretty disgusting come to think of it. "No! I mean I like cheese and I like ice cream, but not together." She chuckles nervously and I snicker at the poor girl, while the class looks at her, bored. I, myself, am highly entertained and decide to put my legs on my desk while rocking my chair backwards. It's not every day you get to see new kids, in general, come to this school but also make the biggest shit-show of themselves either!

"Oh how lovely!" The teacher claps over-enthusiastically, jumping up and down on her heeled feet, and she flashes her teeth for us all to see the piece of liquorice lodged between her two front teeth. I hate liquorice.

The lecturer tells her to sit next to me, seeing as there is no other empty seat, and I irritatedly sigh. Not only do I like to sit alone, I am the classic "bad boy" of the school. No, I don't have piercings and no, I don't have tattoos decorating my body like a Christmas tree, but one mistake with me can cause you to end up even worse than you could ever imagine and live a lifetime of regret.

Katherine gracefully takes a seat next to me, placing her bag at her feet under the desk while running her fingers through her hair to brush it over her shoulder, and I internally groan when she tries to start up a conversation, "Hey, I'm Katherine."

"I like to sit alone, so don't talk to me and just because we sit next to each other doesn't mean we are going to be friends." I grumble at her, not in the mood for a happy-clappy day, I prefer to be miserable and depressed by myself, with the exception of Alex and Hayden. But even they wouldn't be able to handle the full load, which is why I limit my time spent with them... or most people.

"Fine, you don't need to be an ass about it, I was just being polite which is obviously something you're incapable of being." She growls back, her green eyes burning with irritation, and turns to look at the front of the class.

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