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TITLE CHANGE AGAIN, I KNOW. SORRY😕. Details at the end :D

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ℭ𝔥𝔞𝔭𝔱𝔢𝔯 𝟒

"Hang out with us

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"Hang out with us." Harriet demands and grasps my hand, pulling me towards her table with Alia at our heels.

"Okay." I chuckle nervously and Alia gives Harriet a pointed look.

"And I told you to ask her to sit with us, not force her to." Alia exasperates and Harriet rolls her eyes.

"I swear, this girl..." Harriet murmers under her breath and Alia opens her mouth to say something, but I cut her off. "It's fine, I wanted to sit here anyways."

Harriet gives Alia an I-told-you-so look and Alia sticks out her tongue in return. We all take a seat around the table and fall into a casual chatter.

"You know, there's this rumour going around that Mason tried to sexually harass you, but then he realized that people were around and he fled." I laugh at the stupid gossip the students have somehow made up when a voice asks, "What's so funny?"

I open my eyes from laughing so hard and meet a pair of more lively ones than when I first saw them. "Oh, you should hear these." I grab Mason's shoulder and pull him into the seat next to me with as much strength as I can muster. "Alia was telling us all the rumours about what happened yesterday." Mason looks at me apologetically and I brush it off with a smile. "Weren't you, Al?" I turn and look at the two tense and confused girls as two other chairs are added to the table on each end. Alex, Mason and whom I presume is Hayden join the table and the girls look extremely uncomfortable.

"W-well, there was this one where you were beating her up becasue you cheated on him with another guy." I snort at the thought of ever dating Mason. He's arrogant, mean and sarcastic where I care about what I say to people and if I hurt their feelings. We are totally the opposites. The only way that I can think of us dating is if I date him for status or having a hot guy on my arm, but I'm not that kind of girl to use someone, so that's ruled out.

"We aren't even dating and besides, I would never do something like that." I protest and Harriet secretly nudges her head in Mason's direction and as the curious person I am, I look at him. His face seems a bit sad, but he covers it up quickly, making me wonder if what I saw was correct.

He smiles at me and I shrug, looking back at Harriet who has a raised eyebrow. Alia frowns at what we share between us and Harriet whispers something in her ear. "So what do you have after break?" I ask Mason.

"Biology." He says and I smile.

"Same!" I cheer and do some weird dance, for some reason.

Alia's face brightens and her face stretches into a broad smile at what Harriet told her and she nods her head in agreement at what she heard.

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