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{I advise you either get your tissues or a pillow *cough cough*}




Next week we are writing exams and I am finding it extremely hard to study when you have a boyfriend, and a friend who just wants to go to parties.

It's thankfully Saturday, and the party on Wednesday was boring, and James has come over to continue with the project.

And Mason is here too. Yipee... not.

Mason has been glaring at James the whole time he's been here and he's been dropping rude comments.

"You might as well just sleep with my girlfriend at the way you're accidentally touching her." Mason snaps and I abruptly stand up, slamming my pen onto the table.

"I think, it's time for a break. I'm going to make something to eat while you guys stay here." I run off into the kitchen before anyone could complain or stop me.

I sigh as I take out the pizza leftovers from yesterday and put it in the microwave for thirty seconds on full power.

Quietly, I sneak over closer to the lounge to eavesdrop. "...left me when I need you the most." I hear Mason whisper and I frown. What?

"You didn't invite me to your sister's funeral and you kept pushing me away Mason, what was I supposed to do?" I quietly gasp at James' words. It can't be true, is it? Since when did he have a dead sister? Why didn't he tell me? She's dead?

"You could've maybe kept trying!" Mason's voice rises.

"Okay, I'm sorry, Mason, but don't change the topic here. I saw you with Caitlyn yesterday at the gym. Have you told Katherine what you've done?" James hisses and my throat clogs up. No. It's lies. It's lies.

"I don't know wh-"

"Don't pretend you didn't cheat on your girlfriend." As soon as the words leave James' mouth, I return to the kitchen and ignore the throbbing of my heart. Mason cheated on me?

I take a shaky breath and lift up my shaking hands. Not again. Breathe. Breathe. I blink my tears away and take the pizza out of the microwave. Instead of dishing it up on plates, I leave everything standing there as the information sinks in. After saying all the I love you's and the little moments we shared, he decides to cheat on me. Maybe I just wasn't enough. Maybe I cooked up all those feelings in my head.

I storm into the lounge as Mason finishes, "...can't tell her."

"Get out." I say as calmly as possible, my fists shaking at my sides in rage and hurt and panic.

"Wh-" Mason starts, but I stop him, having no interest in what he has to say.

"Get out of my house." I repeat with authority and my anger slowly rising to the surface.

"Katherine, just liste-"

"I'm tired of your lies!" I yell, my dam walls break and the tears flood down my cheeks. "Just get out if my house!"

"You do-" In my moment of shear rage, I pick up the first thing I see and throw it in his direction, but I miss and it hits the wall near him, shattering into a million broken pieces - just like my heart. "What part of get out of my house do you not understand?" My yelling has surely alerted my neighbors, but my anger has gotten the best of me.

Mason gives me one last broken and apologetic look before leaving. I look over at James with my broken self, slightly apologetically. "Sorry, but we can finish the project some other time, I just need... space and... to be left alone." I run off into my room, not checking if James left or if my family has returned. I honestly don't care.

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