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I passed all my exams and successfully got five distinctions.

Today was that day.


I sniffle slightly when I think back on all the fun times I had this year. Why does it have to be over?

I'm going to miss Alia and Harriet the most. We have become a tight circle of best friends and it sucks that it's the end for all of us.

I'm going to a university that isn't too far from home that I have to travel by plane to get back home, but it's not close enough for my parents, especially mom, to come and visit whenever they feel like it.

"You're smudging your make-up!" My mother scolds and wipes my tear away quickly, fixing my make-up a bit.

"You look beautiful." She smiles and looks down at my graduation gown and hat. I love playing with the string that's attached to the hat.

I walk out my front door and climb into my car, making my way to school for the last time.


Within a blink of an eye we were there, or so it felt, and I had to join the thickening crowd that was now entering the hall.

"Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen. Today we are here to celebrate the success of the students in twenty-sixteen. Now before we start with the results and awards there are a few children who'd like to present their farewell speeches." The principal starts as everyone is seated.

I clutch the paper in my hand and my heart hammers in my chest. I take deep breaths as the first speaker goes on first.

By the time I reached barely twenty deep breaths, it was my turn.

Save me.

My heels click on the stage's wooden floors as I make my way to the podium, anxiously looking at the crowd and gulping. Wow, there are a lot of people.

"Afternoon everyone," I smile and speak into the microphone that echoes my words throughout the room. I look down at my written speech that I gotten right on the hundredth time and sigh. As a final decision, I crumple it up and look back up at the audience. I see Alia frown at my actions, probably wondeirng why I'd thrown away my well-prepared speech that I practised on her millions of times . "As a well-known character once said, 'Don't say goodbye, because saying goodbye means going away and going away means forgetting.' But that is not necessarily true.

"Memories were made here at this school, infinite, and memories are what makes us. But it all comes down to one thing: how important is it? Is winning your first goal important for you to remember even after you retire? Or that girl you dumped your lunch onto in the cafeteria? I don't know, is it?

"Standing here in front of you all makes my heart beat faster than it should and seeing my friends and acquaintances for the last time hurts," I pause and look over the crowd, searching for one special person. And I find him sitting in the middle of the seated audience, watching me intently. "But a close friend of mine told me that kisses make everything better." His face lit up with a smile and the crowd chuckled.

"So don't be shy or too embarrassed to give your mom a kiss and hug goodbye when you leave to university, it may be the last time.

"As annoying as math homework and science projects are, they taught us all the things we need to know. And I'd like to thank the teachers for their support and their persistence in teaching us even though we were a handful." Some teachers chuckled and others shouted agreements.

"And for the last time I stand here in front of you all to say goodbye, and hopefully not to forget. I call upon James Collier to say his farewell." I step off the stage and for a moment I catch Mason's eyes. We hold eye contact for a few minutes before Alia comes and jumps me into a hug.

"You did great! It was so much better than your prepared!" She whispers and I roll my eyes.

"Gee, thanks." I drawl sarcastically and Harriet laughs.

The rest of graduation was boring: handing out awards and the principal's speeches.

I stand outside of the hall and chat to Alia and Harriet about how we're going to be facetiming and Skyping every weekend when they excuse themselves off to talk to their parents and a familiar person comments, "Well done on your speech."

I look over my shoulder and find Mason leaning against a tree with his arms folded. His dark hair was neatly combed in the hall but now it is messily mopped on his head and his blue eyes hold the same ocean-calm gaze as they did when I first came to this school, just not as cold.

"I'm sure Hannah would be proud of you." I smile and he returns one. After he told me he didn't cheat on me I asked him who his sister was and he explained everything to me. It hurt to know that he didn't trust me enough to tell me and I tried to accept that he needed time and wasn't ready, but it still pained.

"I'm sure your parents are proud, I mean, five distinctions?" He says, impressed.

"I was surprised too." I chuckle and he smiles.

"Why'd you destroy your original speech?" He frowns and I shrug.

"It was boring and I wanted to make it more... personal." I smile as he nods.

"Can you say you did everything you wanted this year?" He asks and I pursed my lips, frowning slightly.

"No." I mumble softly and he lifts himself off the tree, walking closer to me.

"What didn't you complete?" He stops one foot away from me and I crane my neck up to look at him.

"I didn't get to kiss anyone under the mistletoe this Christmas... well, any Christmas actually." I bite my lip anxiously. Why'd I say that? What is wrong with me? He doesn't need to know that!

Mason holds up this one finger to tell me to wait a minute as he fishes his phone out of his pocket and he slides his finger across his screen in search of something. "It's not exactly Christmas, but..." He takes a step forward and lifts his phone above our heads with a smirk. I see the picture of a mistletoe on his phone and laugh.

"Only you, Mason Dallas." I chuckle and he snakes his one arm around my waist.

"I love you, Katherine Steen." He whispers and his lips find mine.






I'm going to miss Mason and Katherine, but all good things must come to an end.

I wish you all good luck for school😣... totally sucks, lol.

Bye bye for now👋

There is an epilogue so stay in tune for that ;)

What'd you think of this awesome ending? Lol... (probably boring af)



I 💓 you guys!



"Don't say goodbye, because saying goodbye means going away and going away means forgetting."

~ Peter Pan


(Lol, this is also my ending quote for my Quotes book XD)

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