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My heart pounds in my chest, urging me to run faster; my legs burning more than when I'm at Athletic training.

I skid to a stop at her door, my heart pounding in nerves and excitement, and I open the door.

Bad mistake.

I step inside, but stop at the door when the whole room full of people who are turning to look at me. I lower the flowers away from my face and gulp when a tall older man steps towards me. He looks like one of those hard-core army men with muscles and a neatly hair-trimmed head. "Are you lost?" His deep voice asks and my eyes widen. Who are all these people?

"N-no, sir." I wish I could just turn around and run away, but that would be cowardice and I had this weird determination to prove myself to this man.

"Who are you?" He demands and I glance over at Katherine. Her arm in a cast, her blond hair all tangled and a mess, her green eyes staring at me with shock and worry.

"Everyone, this is Mason, my..." She pauses in thought. "Friend?" The word comes out as a question and I mentally groan. Great, now I'm being glared at.

"Are these for Katherine?" The older man asks again and I nod. The flowers are grabbed from me and he studdies the roses I bought for Katherine.

"Yes, sir."

"I know the meaning of white roses, and they do not symbolize the means of friendship." He gives Katherine the flowers and narrows his eyes at me, scrutinizing me.

Suddenly I'm being lead out of the room, surrounded by all the males, and I take a quick look at Katherine, but the tall men block my view.

"Are you dating?" A man who has ashblonde hair and blue eyes asks.

"Not yet, sir." I reply and he glares at me. Did I say the wrong thing?

I am cornered into a corner and they tower over me, except for the one guy who looks two or three years younger that me.

"How did you meet?" The younger guys asks, his brown eyes staring at me.

"At school." I respond.

"So that means you've know her for two weeks?" The guy with blond hair asks in disbelief.

"Yeah." I bite my lip, trying not to make the wrong move.

"When are you going to ask her out?" The young guy asks.

"Tomorrow." I drag out.

"What do you want with my daughter?" The same guy asks.

"Sorry, sir?"

"Do to want her for sex?" The older man breaks down bluntly.

"No, sir," I furrow my eyebrows together. "I truly have no bad intentions with Katherine. She is something special and I don't want to hurt her."

"Good." The older guy says, relief flooding his face.

"When's the first date?" The young guys asks.

"When I ask her out: tomorrow." I say and he nods.

"If you were you have sex with my grandchild, would you use a condom or not?" Damn, this guy has no shame talking about this stuff.

"As much as I'd like to have a family one day, now is too soon, so yes."

"Would you ever have it in your car?" The young guy asks and I raise my eyebrow at him. This family has no problem talking about this topic, do they? Katherine is the only one who's embarrassed talking about it.

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