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Majestic_Avocado for the idea!❤



After two weeks, my cast was finally taken off, much to my friend's disappointments; they loved doodling pictures on it and they drew inappropriate pictures on it too, almost getting me a detention and a long scolding from my mother about how drawing penises was wrong and considered a type of porn.

So I walked around with a penis-full arm and a bunch of 'Mason's bitch' scribbled in between them, most people laughed while the dudes just nod in... respect? I guess it does take guts to walk around with balls on your arm, but hey, that's me: big ou'l balls (cue DUFF reference)!

So the Mason-kidnapping-me-evening was cancelled thanks to my wonderful Paps and my father, who demanded they'd teach me how to change the tyre of a car for the whole day.

For two weeks, I searched every shop at ever nearby mall to buy Mason an appropriate present. And it took me FOREVER! I didn't know if he liked hats or not or if he would wear a shirt if I bought him one, so eventually I settled on a cologne that I thought smelt heavenly, but I hope he likes it.

Today was Christmas! And I can't wait to open my Christmas presents and build snowmen and make snowangels and sing Christmas carols and spending more time with my family. I guess I hurt my arm at the perfect time for them to stay here for Christmas!

"Jingle bells! Jingle bells! Jingle all the way!" I hear my Aunt June singing in the guest bathroom and I chuckle to myself. I have a crazy family.

I hop down the stairs and into the kitchen that smells of roast and other delicious smelling delicates. "Smells yummy in here." I hum as I try and steal a jellytot off of a cake Gina made yesterday, but my mother swats my hand away and I pout. My beautiful jellytot.

I've been spending a lot of my time with Mason and my friends. Tomorrow we have a get-together for Christmas and we exchange gifts and whatnot. I'm pretty excited for both days! But I want to rip my presents open already!

I leave the kitchen and enter the lounge, looking at the overflowing presents under the Christmas tree. I sneak over to the presents and pick up a bag that I can peek through when a voice catches me red-handed, "What are you doing?"

I place the bag down slowly and raise my hands above my head while turning around slowly. I stare at my grandmother, wide eyed, and smile sheepishly. Nana arrived here two days ago and I couldn't be happier! I love my family so so much!

"Let's see what we've got." She whispers and hurries over beside me. I smile at my naughty Nana and pick up the bag again. I pull the bag open a bit and look inside...

And the person wrapped the present as well as putting it into the bag. Sheesh, whoever packed this really doesn't want anyone to see. Or this person really knows this family too well.

"Let's check this one." Nana picks up a yellow bag and pries it open a little and peeks inside. She quietly gasps and I peek inside.

"Wow..." I exhale and we quickly put the present back when we hear my mother calling my name.

"What are you two up to?" My mother asks, seeing us near the presents with guilty grins.

"Nothing." Nana and I reply at the same time. My mother eyes us suspiciously, but asks me to help her in the kitchen to set up and prepare.


The party is over and I am exhausted. I opened my many presents and ate way too much, but it was a good day.

I clamber up to my room, stumbling about due to being tired, with my shoes in my hand. I open my door and shut it, quickly throwing my shoes onto the floor. I halt in my action of going to bed when I see a silhouette standing by my window, staring at me.

I feel the urge to scream, but fear claws at my throat, clogging it from making any noise. Terror attacks my body, making it impossible to run away or make any other move.

"It's me, Mason." I almost throw my shoe at him and yell at him to never scare me like that again, but the moment I switch the light on and see the present in his hand, I swallow my words.

"What's that?" I ask, pointing at the box, and he smirks.

"Your present."

"I thought we had to give each other present tomorrow? With the others." I frown and he nods.

"Yeah, but I couldn't wait." I smile at his eagerness and stride over to him, wanting to open the present from the most important person in my life right now.

I take the box from him and open it.

I slap a hand over my mouth and groan. "Owy." I rub around my mouth and Mason suddenly peppers kisses around my mouth and I giggle, "That's ticklish." The little tingles from his lips linger.

"Just kissing you better."

"Thank you. For the present. A-and the kiss." I fumble over my words and he just smirks at me. The cocky bastard. I close the box again.

My fatigue has been uplifted and I now feel more than awake.

I pull the lid off and...


"What?" I look up at him and he chuckles at my face.


Cliffhanger.... mwhahahahahaaaaa...

So what do you think it is???

Will Mason ask her THE question? (Not marriage... yet *smirk*)

Who wants them to have babies? (Too soon to ask?😂)

What is Katherine and Mason's ship name?

Who is going to die?... Kidding!... Or am I???

So I've published another book, lol, and if you haven't checked it out, make sure you do! It's called 'Book Cover Tips' and the title explains pretty much everything😂

What are you guys doing for Christmas?


I 💓 you guys!


"Be thankful for the hard times, for they have made you."

~ Leanardo Wilheim DiCaprio


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