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I would've never thought I'd say this, especially since it's summer, but I feel like I have frostbite! Man, I should've worn gloves, a beanie, ear muffs and a scarf to wrap around my head

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I would've never thought I'd say this, especially since it's summer, but I feel like I have frostbite! Man, I should've worn gloves, a beanie, ear muffs and a scarf to wrap around my head. My nose feels like it's going to melt off from being so cold, if that even makes sense. The severe pain in my back is indescribable from bowing my back to stay balanced and to not topple over.

The only source of heat right now is coming from Mason, who holds my hand so I don't face-plant and humiliate myself in this crowded place. "Why did you bring me here again?" My teeth clatter and his blue eyes hold concern as they look down at my bent knees and arched back. "Do you want to leave?"

"No! No, this is fun. I'm just really struggling to skate on the slippery ice." I grab onto his arm as I'm about to tumble to my death and he loses his balance. And we fall with a "FUCK!" Coming from Mason.

I hit the ice first and then him on top of me. Fun. "How much do you weigh? Jeez. I could swear you're fatter than a whale." I groan and he chuckles on top of me. That feels really weird.

The position we're in isn't exactly 'appropriate' looking, people are probably looking at us thinking 'Do you mind? There are children around!'.

Mason's eyes scan my face, looking for something, and I watch his dark orbs intensely, wondering what he was looking for. Was it answers he was looking for? Fear? Purpose?

For a moment, my eyes gaze at his smooth lips. Pink, soft lips. I wonder what it would be like to touch them. To kiss them.

"I knew you'd fall for me at some stage," He chuckles. "But I didn't think you'd take me with you." I laugh at his insane comment.

"Hey, you fell on top of me and you're saying I fell for you?" I snort and he winks.

"Do you have a bandage?" By now my back has gone wet and the cold is seeping through my shirt and sweater. I frown at his question. Why does he need a bandage?

"I hurt myself falling for you," He jokes and I giggle. Why the hell am I giggling? This is so embarrassing. "Litterally."

"Can you please get off me? I know you're getting comfortable, but I'm getting wet here." As soon as the words left my mouth I regret it, as Mason smirks and winks at me. "I did not mean that in a sexual way. You're one sick child." He chuckles and I roll my eyes. Mason lifts himself off the ice and as he's dusting himself off, someone's hand is being held out to me. I grab it and notice that the hand is much bigger than mine. I now stand back on the ice and smile at the boy in thanks. "Thank you." He grins back at me and let's go of my hand. "You're welcome." He takes off and I turn to face Mason, who is glaring nuclear bombs at the disappearing boy.

"Are you okay?" I put my hand on Mason's bicep and he looks down at me, his eyes softening.

"Perfect." He smiles, but it doesn't reach his eyes and I frown at his sudden change of mood. "Let's get something to drink at Starbucks." Mason suggests and I grin, cheering childishly, and I almost fall on my butt, but thankfully my hero saved me this time. His hands are wrapped around my waist and his arm hands have slid up my sweater and shirt a little. His cold fingers touch my bare back and I shiver, not only from the cold, but from his touch. "You should stop falling for me; you're going to break a bone one day and I don't want to be the reason for your pain." A blush spreads up my cheeks as he helps me to stand up properly again.

We get out of the ice skating rink and head towards Starbucks. I walk awkwardly on my feet, wobbling, because we were on the ice for such a long time. Mason holds my hand so I don't lose him or I crash into random strangers we pass. A tingly feeling brews up in my stomach and I mentally bitch slap myself for being such a cliché.

We take a seat in a booth and I silently curse the cold aircons for being on. I sit opposite to Mason, keeping a safe distance until I get my myself and hormones under control, and he asks, "What would you like?"

I smile widely and reply happily, "A caramel frappacino!" He goes to place our orders and I take out my phone. I have six missed calls, ten messeges and four voicemails, all from mom. I scroll through the messeges asking where I am and why I'm not home and telling me to answer. I type a quick reply and she answers immediately, instructing me to come home.

I listen to all the voice notes she's left and they're all of her screaming and shouting with 'worry'. Please, if she really cared, she'd be home at a normal loving parent's time and she'd know where I am and she'd know that I failed my math test. She'd know who I am. But she isn't, and I've come to terms with that.

Love isn't an emotion I've really experienced before; not true love anyways. I've had many best friends, too many that have hurt me. Hurt and pain and regret are all emotions I'm too familiar with; I want to learn the meaning of love, the meaning of true and content happiness, the feeling of not having a care in the world and living with the consequences tomorrow. I've been cooped up in this tiny ball that I want to break free from. I don't want to be caged anymore and I don't want to feel alone anymore.

Mason returns with our orders and he smiles at me from across the table, sliding over my frappacino and I smile evily at the goodness.

"You look creepy." Mason comments and I suck as hard as I can on the straw, letting the most delicious thing ever made devour my tastebuds. I could do this forever.

4 out of 5! Almost done! The 7th chapter is bae! It's like perfect!

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4 out of 5! Almost done! The 7th chapter is bae! It's like perfect!

What do you think of this chapter? I thought it was totally cute😍😜


I 💓 you guys!

- yo thicc mama

"Every new beginning comes from some other begging's end."

~ Semisonic, "Closing Time"


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