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The broken boy stares at me, silently murdering me over and over again, and I take a seat next to him -- with much internal dismay

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The broken boy stares at me, silently murdering me over and over again, and I take a seat next to him -- with much internal dismay.

His dishvelved hair is mopped on top of his head and his blue eyes are glazed over, as if life is just a nuisance and that he'd rather be anywhere else but here. His sculptured jawline frames his sharp cheekbones and full lips. He is the stereotypical perfect "bad boy"; untouchable, but totally drool-worthy. His feet are perched up on his desk and his chair is dangerously rocking backwards. Tough it would be funny if he fell.

He reminds her of herself and he had her empathy. Life is horrible and I don't blame him for wanting to leave because I too do not want to be here.

I plaster on my broad smile and face him, "Hey, I'm Katherine." I'd hoped that somewhere in that small head of his that he'd a least be nice to a new girl.

"I like to sit alone, so don't talk to me and just because we sit next to each other doesn't mean we are going to be friends." His icy glare pierces through me and I straighten my posture. There went that hope. "Fine, you don't need to be an ass about it, I was just being polite which is obviously something you're incapable of being." I snapped, not in the mood for his issues. If life is such a needy bitch then why is he here for crying out loud. The world has enough dickheads in it.

I turn to the front, looking at the crowd of new faces laughing, chatting and whispering with each other and my heart wheezes with the longing of my old friends. We'd moved here about a week ago and thankfully is wasn't during halfway through the school semester like the previous trek.

The bell signals the beginning of classes and I look down at the printed paper that sits between my thumb and index finger, frowning slightly. Where is room D13?

I sigh and hopelessly decide to ask the only person I've spoken to so far for directions. I dodge and squeeze past people, jogging up to the muscular boy.

"Hey?" My voice is threaded with the crowd, not reaching his ears, and so I pull at his shirt sleeve. His head snaps in my direction and I gulp at his harsh attitude towards me. "What do you want?" His voice filled with irritation and anger, causing me to bite the inside of my lip.

"Um, sorry," I give my best attempt at a smile in such a situation. "Do you know where classroom D13 is?" His eyes brew up a storm - a hurricane in his orbs - and his jaw clenches, as if stopping himself from punching me.

"No." His sharp tone slices through the kindness in me and I hold back some snarky comment when another tall boy appears beside him. "I can show you. I'm Alex, by the way." He graces me with his white teeth and I smile back; his smile being contagious.

The broken boy walks away and shouts over his shoudler, "Whatever, I'm going to ditch. See you with Hayden in ten."

I frown at his retrieving back. What? He's ditching? Doesn't education matter to him? You and Hayden? Where? To do what? What is his name? Why is he such a bully? Why does he hate so much? What happened to make him this way?

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