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~One week later (after Christmas)~

The sunset throws a beautiful reflection onto the clear waters; mirroring the the burnt orange and purple sky. The sandy plane reaches from the waving water to the tips of my toes. "I didn't bring my swimsuit." I inform Mason as he comes from the car and walks closer to the water with a basket and blanket under his arm.

"That's okay, we don't have to swim, babe." He flicks out the blanket and it feathers to the ground. I nod and continue my observation of the beautiful landscape. It truly is magical.

"Come take a seat." Mason snaps me out of my thoughts and I happily walk over and sit down on the blanket across from him. I cross my legs and eagerly stare at Mason, awaiting something.

He dishes up a few sandwiches and other ready-made food and I munch on the cheese sandwich. "This is so good," I moan. "I didn't know you liked to make food?"

"Oh, no, my mother prepared this." He chuckles and I shake my head with a smile. Only Mason.

Mason's dark hair has golden streaks caught in the sun that hangs half on the horizon; the red and orange, the blue and purple in the sky.

The date is going too quick and before I know it, the sun disappears and Mason turns on his car headlights so we can see what we are doing as we packed up.

I place the blankets in the backseat and shut the car door. "That's all of it." I wipe my hands nervously on my dress and look longingly at the waters. I wish we could swim.

"Let's go." In the pit of my stomach I felt a pang of ecstasy.

The night is still young, my mind whispers.

An idea pops into my head and I mentally do a happy dance for being so smart.

"Wait," I halt Mason from opening the car door for me and smirk. "Let's go for a swim."

"But we don't have our costumes." Mason frowns sadly and I slowly walk towards the water, kicking my shoes off.

"Who needs costumes?" I throw over my shoulder before I jump into the water. The refreshing waters drench my clothes, skin and hair and I ravish the feeling. I've always been fascinated with the sounds you hear underwater and the way you can mostly hear your heartbeat in your ears, as if the world has crumbled to extinction and it's only you and your thoughts.

I swim to the top, gasping for air, and look teasingly at Mason. "Are you too scared to swim with your clothes on?"

"Who needs clothes?" He chuckles and takes his shirt off. He removes his pants, and in less than a millisecond, he's in the water.

I've seen Mason in his underwear before (not like that, you dirty-minded children), but somehow he always leaves me frozen in the spot with his perfect body.

I fumble for words to say, but decide to keep quiet instead of making a fool out of myself. I float on my back with my eyes closed, enjoying the silence and serenity, when a splash of water hits my face. I look accusingly at Mason and swim towards him. "You're going to pay for that!"

The dress slows me down, a lot, and I easily got tired before I got to him, so, absentmindedly, I pull the dress over my head and throw it onto the shore. I, now easily, swim and run after Mason, who has run out of the water.

Mason watches me from a few feet away as I charge at him, his eyes wandering my figure in shock and surprise. Haha! A girl's gotta do what a girl's gotta do.

I jump at him and he, without any effort, catches me. I try and hit him, but his tight hold prevents me from moving.

His skin burns against mine and tingling sparks shoot from where he touches my bare skin - an electric connection between our bodies.

I stop wiggling in his arms as soon as I realise our close proximity, and decide to savor the moment.

His warm breath tickles my face whilst his cerulean irises delve into my green ones.

"Katherine," He whispers and I hum in response. "I have a question to ask you, but after my long speech."

His warm embrace leaves me cold and abandoned, and I shiver when a slight breeze grazes my damp skin.

Mason takes a few steps away from me and holds out his arms while the wind brushes through his hair. "I, Mason Dallas, have know you for thirty-three days and they've been the best days out of all my eighteen years on Earth. I've never felt the way I do about you and honestly, it scares me. But I'm willing to risk my heart for you right now, this very minute, because I like you, Katherine Steen, more than I do any other person I know. So I," Mason picks up a stick off the ground and starts to write in the sand and he continues. "Will ask you one question. One question that will change everything." He stands up and throws the stick into a random direction as my eyes curiously read what he glided with a stick into the sand.

A smile creeps onto my face and I look up at Mason. His eyes anxiously stare at me, searching my face for my answer.

Suddenly, I scream and lunge myself at an unprepared Mason, sending us tumbling to the ground. We butt our foreheads as we hit the ground and we groan. I laugh while I rub my sore head and look down at Mason, who lies beneath me. "This is comfy." I say, commenting on how comfortable he is to lie on.

I remove his hand from his forehead and kiss it. Pulling my head back, I grin at Mason, explaining: "A boy once told me that kissing booboos would make them better." He chuckles and I can practically feel his silent question.

"Yes." I smile and the expression on his face is indescribable.

"Just kiss me, my girlfriend." He growls and I chuckle.

"Aren't we an eager boyfriend?" I smirk and lean down to kiss him.



So what did you think of this chapter?

So I published another book because I've miraculously reached over 100 FOLLOWERS AND SO AS A GIFT, I graced you all with more of my writing😂 poor you guys😂

So I fell in love with this chapter😍 Who else did?

So I've updated like five chapters in this book, lol, and now I'm going to take a break. I think. I'm unpredictable, I surprise myself a lot😂


I 💓 you guys!



"The most incredible thing about miracles is that they happen."

~G.K. Chesterton


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