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"Let's go to a party!" Alia suggests and I roll my eyes at her.

"Why?" Harriet groans, obviously also dreading another one.

"Becuase you guys need to get a life, like seriously. All you do is school work and watch Netflix!"

"I'm busy with my boyfriend." I use a hopefully valid and acceptable excuse.

"Busy with me?" Mason, oh so surprisingly, pops up from behind me and snuggles into my neck while his arms wrap around my waist.

"Oh, great! Are you going to Joe's party tomorrow?" Alia asks Mason with a wide grin and I squeeze his hand, hoping he'd get the message.

"Yeah." Mason replies and I feel like strangling him. I TOLD YOU NOT TO SAY YES!

I jab Mason in the side with my elbow. "Ow, w-" I quickly press my lips to his to shut him up, and because I love the feeling of his soft lips on mine.

"Okay, well, we'll meet you in the cafeteria." I hum in response to Alia, wrapping my arms around Mason's neck while his hand finds it's way on my cheek.

I pull away when I'm sure that the two girls are gone and he pouts. "Why did you say yes when I told you not to?" I cross my arms and he frowns.

"Told me? When?" He looks at me guiltily and I raise my eyebrow.

"When I squeezed your hand." I say in a 'duh' tone and he chuckles.

"Oh, I thought you had a nervous twitch or something, sorry babe. I know you get nervous around me. I can cancel if you want?" He pulls me closer and I instinctively wrap my arms around his neck again.

"No, it's fine. But you're going to have to make it up to me."

"Okay." He leans closer and captures my lips with his. I move my lips along with his and his tongue grazes my bottom lip.

I pull away and smirk up at him. "We need to get to the lunch table." He looks disappointed, but follows me to the cafeteria while holding my hand.

I plop down into a chair with Mason next to me and I steal a chip off of Harriet's tray. "Hey!" She protests, but I've already started chewing on the goodiness.

"I can't believe you insulted my bingeing." I tut at Alia, reffering to the time when she said all we do is watch Netflix and schoolwork.

"But it's true!" She argues, a smile propping on her lips and I scowl.

"Just bec-"

"Can I sit here?" All of our attention moves from my quarrel with Alia to the breathtaking blonde boy. "I hope I'm not intruding."

James Collier stands with his bag slung over his shoulder and a tray in his hand with a friendly smile on his face. "Not at all. Come sit." Alia is the first to reply to James's request, while the rest of us just stare.

In the corner of my eyes I see Mason shifting in his seat and James giving him a curt nod in acknowledgment. Mason's grip tightens on my hand and I look a his glaring face with concern. I put my free hand on his shoulder and whisper, "Are you alright?"

He nods in reply and I frown. Why is he so upset that James is sitting with us?

Mason releases my hand and before sauntering off he abruptly says, "I'm going to the bathroom."

My frown deepens and I stand up too, excusing myself from the table. I hurry out of the cafeteria and catch Mason in the hallway. "Mason!" I jog up to him and I see him sigh.

"What's wrong?" I ask, hugging him, and he wraps his arms around me.

"It's complicated." He sighs again and I close my eyes, wishing to calm him down.

"You can tell me, if you want and when you're ready." I understand that he's not prepared to spill out all his secrets in a day of having me as his girlfriend, and he needs time to reassess whatever happened. I just wish I could help.

"Can we just forget about it and go and grab lunch at Amy's or something?" He asks and I nod, pulling away and wrapping my one arm around his waist as we walk out of the school.

"So what time is this party?" I ask, wanting to take his mind off of James, like he asked.

"Seven, so I'll pick you up at half past six, yeah?" He opens the car door for me and I climb in. "Okay."

He shuts my door and hurriedly walks around the car and climbs in on his side. He turns the car on and drives off of the school premises.


"Today, class, we'll be pairing up. I will be calling out the pairs." Mr. Laurent emphasizes on the last sentence and the class complains in groans and moans. I can't say I'm particularly excited either. I don't share Biology with any of my friends nor Mason, so I dread the fact that I might get a partner that will let me do all the work.

"Gary and Finn."

"Julia and Olly."

"Perry and Hailey."

"James and Katherine." Okay.

WAIT! WHAT?! JAMES COLLIER IS MY PARTNER? WHAAAATTT! Mason is not going to be happy about this. He's going to be really mad.

Once the teacher orders us to sit with our partners, I walk up to his desk and plea, "Sir, may I please switch my partner? You can even choose a new one for me. Please sir."

"Look, Katherine, you are one of my A-class students and I'd gladly exchange partners, but if I let you do it then I'll have to let everyone do it and then what's the point of me apointing pairs? I paired you up with a suitable partner. Sorry." He explains and I nod in understanding. Makes sense.

"Okay, thank you, sir." I scan the classroom and find James sitting in the seat next to mine with a wide smile. This guy smiles, a lot.

Please don't be mad at me Mason.


What's wrong with Mason?

I know this chapter might've been a bit boring and all, but soon, very soon, the action will come alive.

Be prepared, because it's going to be dramafilled!

Anyways, how was everyone's Christmas?


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Aanndddd, being the wonderfilled author I am, I've created an update schedule! Up next.



I 💓 you guys!



"It takes courage to grow up and become who you really are."

~ E. E. Cumming


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