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My head pounds, a drummer hitting my brain, and I hiss when I touch my head too hard. I sit up as slowly as I can, looking desperately for painkillers in my drawers, but come up empty. I reluctantly get out of bed in search for something to help me with my killer heachache.

I stumble on the first step down the stairs, my foot slips and I roll down the stairs. I scream as an excruciating pain shoots up my arm. I hear footsteps running towards me, my eyes blurry with tears, and I hear my mother cuss under her breath, "Shit."

"Katherine are you alright?" She kneels down beside me and takes my wrist, but I yelp at her touch. "I-it's s-so sore." I cry, as another wave of pain hits me.

"Henry!" My mother shouts, worsening my headache, and I screw my eyes shut with grit teeth. Heavy footsteps run towards the accident and I hear a muffled conversation between my parents.

I scream again when I'm being lifted, my arm moving and the person mutters an apology. My head spins and I begin to panic. W-where am I?

"Katherine, I need you to calm down," My father's voice says softly and I relax slightly. At least my father's with me.

The pain hits me with another wave and my vision turns black, my body going limp and I fall unconscious.


The sound of beeping and weird air noises wake me up and I open my eyes. "She's awake." My father announces and I hear sighs of relief and my mother shout, "KATHERINE! MY BABY!" Immediately I'm captured in a hug and I bite my lip as she leans on my arm a little.

I chuckle at my mother and she kisses my face all over the place. "Mom," I giggle and my face heats up with embarrassment.

"How are you feeling?" A voice asks and I wipe my eyes to see if what I'm seeing is real.

"Is that you, Nicolas?" I shout and he nods with a smile. "Oh my God! Come here!" He chuckles and I pull him into a hug. "How long has it been?"

"Too long, Kat, too long." He mutters and I gasp as my whole family starts filing into the room. "No," I breathe out, disbelief foiling my mind.

"Katty!" A little voice cheers and I'm attacked with a body jumping on top of me. "Lolli!" I chuckle, my arm luckily at a safe distance. Lolli is the nickname I gave to my little cousin.

"Gina, be careful, she hurt her arm." The little girl pulls away quickly and juts out her bottom lip. "Sowy." She mumbles and I giggle.

"It's okay, I'm just glad to see you," I look at my family all in one room. "All of you."

I'm actually surprised to see my father and grandpa talking. My mother's father and my father do not get along; every time they see each other they are at each other's throats.

"Paps!" I cheer and his grey hair falls into his eyes when he turns his head in my direction.

"Oh, my little girl, how are you?" He ruffles my hair and I cross my arms with a pout, in return he sticks his tongue out at me.

"I'm great! Though physically I am a bit bumped and bruised," I smile and he nods. "And you?"

"I'm good, although, Elle misses you terribly. She couldn't come, but I hope you can come visit soon." He winks and I laugh with a nod. Elle is my grandma, his wife.

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