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"Fuck." I choke and cover my mouth with one hand as I stare at the white stick.

My vision blurs and I wipe the tears that are starting to slide down my cheeks. How am I going to tell Mason? Will he be mad? Is he ready? Am I ready?

I shakily stand up and wipe my face with toilet paper and phone up Alia, but she doesn't pick up and then I decide to call Harriet but she doesn't pick up either. So I call one relative that could help me without making that big of a scene and spreading it to the everyone else.

"Hello?" He answers and I sigh.

"Nick, I'm pregnant and I don't know what to do and what if Mason freaks out and leaves and then I'll be all alone and I don't think I'd be able to look after a ba-"

"Calm down, Kath. Breathe. Now what's going on?" He asks in a soothing tone and I take in a deep breath before answering.

"I'm pregnant." I breathe out softly and he's quiet on the other line.

After five minutes he asks, "Have you told him?"

"No," I break into a sob and the tears start to trail down my face again. "I'm scared Nick. What if he doesn't want to be a father? Will he leave? I can't raise a child in my own."

"Shhh," He hushes me quietly. "Katherine, just tell him. I'm sure he'll be happy. Mason wants a kid with you."

"How can you sound so sure?" I whisper and he laughs.

"Because I just know. The way he looks at you and all, I can see how much he loves you." He says and I sigh.

"I hope you're right." I say.

"I know I am, but look, Kath, I have to go so you need to call me later and tell me how it goes, yeah?" He hurries and I smile.

"Okay, bye." He hangs up and I sigh again.

It's now or never.

I walk into the bedroom and I find the bed is empty. Weird. I leave our room and walk down the stairs and find him in the kitchen.

"Morning babe, sleep well?" He kisses my cheek and continues to fry the eggs in the pan.

"Not really." I drawl and he looks up at me with a slight frown, flipping the eggs like a professional without even looking at what he's doing.

"Nightmares?" He asks and I shake my head.

"No," I take a deep breath and close my eyes for a second. "We need to talk."

"Great, because I wanted to talk to you about something too." He smiles and turns the stove off, moving the pan off the hot plate.

"Okay, you go first." I nod and he sits on the kitchen bar stool.

"So," He takes my hands from across the counter and holds them. "I was thinking that we could go to dinner tonight and spend some quality time together, what do you think?" He smiles and I melt like butter under his crinkled eyes and cute dimple.

"Okay." I smile and he leans over the counter, pecking my cheek.

"So what did you want to talk about?" He sits back in his chair and I bit my lip.

"Uhm," I can't do this. I can't tell him. "Would you consider having kids now?" I ask and his eyes widen. Great, now he thinks I want children. Not that I don't, but I still want to travel the world and get a really good job, but I guess I can't.

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