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Warning: There are warnings in this chapter *due to a steamy scene*




"I tried, Mason. Please, don't be angry with me." I watch Mason pace to and fro at the foot of my bed.

"Why didn't you tell me? Instead I come over and I find him in your house. You could've at least told me, Katherine." He stops walking and looks at me, a fire burning in his eyes and his fists balled at his sides.

"I'm sorry. I didn't think you'd want to know. You're so pissed at James but you won't tell me why and- and I'm sorry, okay? I'm sorry." My voice tone decreases by each word and in the end I'm whispering.

"It's fine. I'm shouldn't be angry at you. I'm sorry." He pulls me up from my bed and hugs me. I wrap my arms around his neck and breathe in his scent. I hate it when he is mad, even if he isn't upset with me, I much prefer the happy Mason.

"I really did try and change my partner. Mr. Langston said he wouldn't." I mutter into his neck and he pulls me closer.

"I know," He squeezes me closer for a split second before pulling away and looking down at me with a smile. "I need to go. And you need to finish your project as soon as possible. I'll see you later." He kisses my forehead and leaves my room through the window.

With a small frown, I leave my room and go back to the lounge where James lies on the couch, flicking through the channels on the TV. "That didn't go well." He says once he sees me enter the room, my reflection on the screen.

"As a matter if fact, it did. But we seriously need to work on our project." I say, grabbing the remove from his hand and turning the TV off. With an 'okay' he sits up off the couch and picks his bag up off the floor.

I open my laptop that I set up with papers and pens next to it when we got home. I type in my password, making sure James is not looking, and open up Google. "So we have to investigate what makes stomach acid acidic and why." James clarifies and I nod in agreement.

After four long hours and constant off-topic conversations, we got at least thirty percent of our project done, which isn't much, and he had to go home. It was five thirty when he left and now it is half an hour later as I sit on my couch, watching Pretty Little Liars while eating Nutella sandwiches and popcorn (not together, ew).

My ship was about to kiss when the doorbell rang and I groan, getting off the couch and walking to the front door.

"Hello?" I ask as I swing the door open and look at the man standing at my front door. "Why did you ring the doorbell? You can just come in, you know? You do live here." I roll my eyes at the person who I'm most disappointed in.

"Sorry, Katherine." He steps inside the house and puts his briefcase onto the floor, walking to the fridge and taking out some bottled water. "So how's school?"

"Boring." I answer quickly, wanting to cut this conversation short, because A) I don't like this man and if I don't leave soon I might shout at him, again, and B) I want to carry on watching Pretty Little Liars.

"Where's your mother?" He asks and I roll my eyes, crossing my arms.

"She's at work, like you are most of the time." I make my way into the lounge, having no more interest in talking to him any longer.

"Katherine," He calls out and I ignore him, turning up the volume on the TV just when my father storms into the room and snatches the remove from my hand and turns the volume down to a low five. "We need to talk things out instead of making snarky comments and giving me attitude, Katherine."

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