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(🔝Her outfit 🔝)




I yelp as I'm being lifted off the floor and thrown into the cold waters that bite at my skin. I hold my breath until I'm floating above the water again, taking deep breaths.

"Are you trying to kill me?" I cry at Mason who just smiles up at me and I try and squirm out of his grasp, but this athlete's got muscle.

"If smothering you in love counts, then I guess so." My glares turn soft and I wrap my arms around his neck.

"KISS! KISS! KISS! KISS! KISS!" A guy starts to chant and soon a whole crowd surrounds us in the pool and I blush at the audience. They want us to kiss?

"Come on, Katherine, it's not like we haven't done it before." He whispers for only me to hear and I blush even more.

He lifts my head with his finger and he smiles at me. "I'm not that bad, am I?"


"You won't kiss me, so am I that bad?" He raises an eyebrow and I shake my head.

"It's not that-" And I could say no more as my lips are preoccupied.

His warm lips find mine and the crowd cheers loudly. His hands are tight around my waist as mine around his neck and his soft lips move along with mine.

I break away as a guy shouts, "Take it off!" And I laugh at the random guy's comment.

I swim to the stairs in the pool and climb out as the large crowd is making me feel uncomfortable in my bikini. "Where you going?" Mason calls from the waters as I wrap the towel around me.

"It's getting late and I feel like dancing." He nods and climbs out too.

"You didn't have to climb out." I mumble as I collect all my clothing and slip on my black jean shorts and white shirt.

"But I want to dance with you." He smiles as he throws on a shirt, to my dissatisfaction.

He takes my hand and leads me to the dancefloor inside the crammed house. The song 'Ain't my fault' by Zara Larsson (the song up top🔝)plays and I dance to the song like there's no tomorrow. The one thing I enjoy about parties is that people are too drunk to care about how you dance, except for those creepy perves that always come up to you and whisper compliments in your ear.

"Can we stop?" Mason whines over the loud music and I stop jumping up and down.

"Are you already tired?" I ask teasingly and he shakes his head.

"No, I just really can't stand watching you dance anymore." I want to punch, kick him and cry at his insult. My heart shatters at his unexpected words. Am I that bad? So much for drunks being non-judgemental.

"W-what?" I choke out and he leans down to my ear.

"I can't stand how hot you look while dancing. You're driving me crazy." He whispers and a shiver runs down my spine.

I smile at him as he takes me into the kitchen, wanting a drink. "Pina Calada, please." I tell Mason as he opens the refrigerator to fetch a beer.

I grab my drink from him and take a tip. I love the taste of this alcohol. It's like drinking fruit juice and you can't taste the alcohol in it.

"Yo, Mason!" A random guy yells out and does that bro-handshake-and-hug thing. "You wanna play Truth, Dare or Command with us?"

"Ugh, no. I'm sure Katherine won't play." Mason gives him an apologetic smile and I roll my eyes.

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