184 12 38

Big numbers! ✌ To AwesomeReader27 for getting the guess thingy right 😊😙




The party has started, but it looks way to busy for my liking so I just sit on the grass by the pool drinking my tenth drink this evening. Or is it my twelfth?

The moon casts a magical reflection onto the pool, making it look like it belonged in some fantasy movie with fairies skimming on the waters.

The game of Truth or Dare was getting boring, because everyone had gone twice and I was not chosen once, so I stayed in the kitchen for a while then on the dance floor and now I'm outside catching some fresh air.

"You look like you could use the company." A voice breaks my peaceful bubble and I sigh. I look up to see a familiar face that I've seen around school many of times, but never got the chance to actually talk to him. "I'm Hank Appleby, we share Math and English together." He takes a seat beside me and I nod my head.

"Katherine." I say, not in the mood for saying much.

"Do you always just sit in the silence, thinking?"

"Yes, having some time to just clear your mind is healthy."

"Have you taught Mason that or is he always going to be an asshole?"

"Listen, you know nothing about him. Or me. So what makes you so superior to judge?" I look at him, furious. I hate people who just think they can just judge people because of their actions and their reputation. Mason is a good guy and I wish that he could show that to everyone, but I'm in no position to pressure him to do anything.

"I'm sorry. You're right. I don't know him. He just has a really shitty reputation." He looks at me curiously. "Are you dating him or something that you're so overprotective?"

"Yes." A voice that has become a big part of my life answers. Wait, what?! We're dating?!

"Mason," I turn around with a frown on my face, but he just gives me a look that says 'play along'. "There you are babe, I was looking for you."

I stand up and kiss him on the cheek, hopefully making this seem real.

"Oh, I didn't know. Well, congratulations guys. I'm gonna go inside, so I'll catch you guys around." Hank disappears into the house and I turn to Mason with a raised eyebrow. "Dating, huh?" I smirk and he winks.

"Soon, very soon." He whispers and then he does the unspeakable. He takes my shirt and jeans off, me being immobilized with shock, and then dumps me into the pool. The cold water shocks me out of my paralysis and I bob my head out of the water, gasping for air. "You asshole! You're going to regret that!"

"I always knew I could make you wet!" He laughs and I roll my eyes at his dirty mind.

I climb out of the pool with an evil grin plastered onto my face as I approach Mason with my arms wide open. He's too busy laughing to notice that I'm coming closer and closer. And I attack him with a bearhug!

He gasps and I laugh evily, "Revenge is sweet."

He raises an eyebrow at me as I laugh like those evil witches in movies, but it comes out more like a strangled cat.

"Now we're both wet." He smiles at my comment and pushes a strand of hair behind my ear.

"You made me wet." I smile at his pun and whisper quietly, "I know."

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