My Other Books

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Please check out my other books!

Here are the descriptions.

I am Karma

"If they can't love me, I'll give them a reason to hate me." Her voice came out demanding - wanting the world to love and hate her.

"What happened to letting Karma take revenge?"

"I am Karma."


"You're such a bitch!"

"No, I'm Karma, nice to meet you." A vicious smirk formed onto her lips as she stared down at the victim. Her harsh glare sentencing everyone to silence and her words linger in the air, no one making a peep.


Vicious, the word she's called by. Scary Zen, the name she's given.

Zendaya, the bitch of the school, has amended from the sweet little happy-go-lucky to the dark, unfriendly person she is today, because of society.

22 July 2017, 23:46

Dear Reader,

I may be your worst nightmare; I may be your doppelganger, or even a person you despise.

Personally, I don't know you, but I know we all have demons; skeletons in our closets. I have many, infinite, but we can all relate to similar things.

So do you blame me for standing up for who I am? For fighting back after being trampled on for so long?

I've been used and abused, but that has to come to an end. I don't expect you to understand or support my ways, but all I ask of you is to make your feelings about me direct and un-sugarcoated.

I am known by many names in my little town, Harlington, but they don't matter. I'm being the person who people fear in their nightmares.

After all those words of "You are so useless" and "Nobody wants to see your ugly face", I snapped. I can't take being their punching bag any longer.

Hate me or love me,
Zendaya Espenson



His Nerd

(noun) informal
a foolish or contemptible person who lacks social skills or is boringly studious❔

A nerd, that's what I've been called since half of my middle school career up until now: my final year at high school.

It's tiring being a 'nerd', let me tell you. People avoid you like you have some plague once they hear you're a 'nerd'. People tend to act real superior around you, ordering you around like their little slave and throwing insults at you.

I was close to doing self-harm, because I've heard it takes the pain away.

But then a miracle happened...

I lost my virginity to Chase Avary.

How? I can't remember.


And if you want to be smarter, check out my 'Did You Know' facts book, here:



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