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"Are you busy tomorrow?" Mason asks and I smile.

"I'd think you'd be tired of me by now," I joke and he raises an eyebrow at me, a look of hurt falling onto his face. "What?"

"Don't do that. I'd never get bored of you. Who else am I going to give magic kisses to?" I smile at his cute words.

"Sorry, but getting back to your question, I don't have any plans, but my family is around so I might be busy."

"Your family said that you were free tomorrow, well, in a way. I told them that I'd be kidnapping you for the day." His hands grip the steering wheel tight, his knuckles going white.

"Wow, it must be important then." I chuckle and he nods.

"I-it is. I'll tell you the details tomorrow." He smiles and I purse my lips. I open my mouth to ask him why he's so nervous, but decide against it and seal my lips.

"Are you sunburnt?" I blurt out and he glances over at me, confused.

"No, a-"

"Or are you always this hot?" I blush at my most random time to use a pick-up line.

"Kissing is the language of love? Want to start a conversation?" He smirks and I return one.

"Yeah, I would." I state confidently and he raises an eyebrow.

"I could pull over, you know." He suggests and I blow him a kiss.

"I'm sure you'd love to." I wink and pretends to faint, with the back of palm on his forehead.

"Definetely." He smirks and I stick my tongue out at him.

"But Mason," I fidget with the hem of my shorts. "What are we?"

"Friends with benefits." He says and my heart stops. What? I must have misunderstood what he said.


"I'm kidding!" He stops at a red light and he leans over to my side of the car. "By tomorrow we'll know." He kisses me and I take my undamaged arm and wrap it around his neck. He pulls away and whispers, "I think the robot's green." He smiles and I quickly let him go, not wanting to die and he quickly sits back in his seat, pressing on the accelerator.

The rest of the ride home was quick and the whole time a question stuck in my mind: What did he mean by, 'By tomorrow we'll know'?

I hop out of the car and shut the door, smirking I challenge: "Race you to the door!"

I start running as he locks the car, sprinting up behind me, and his arms slither around my waist. He holds me with one arm and holds me furthest from the door. I wiggle in his arms to free myself, but to no avail.

His finger touches the door and he smiles victoriously down at me, "I beat you."

"You cheated!" I argue and he scoffs.

"You never said anything about what we're allowed and not allowed to do." His smirk and his cheeky comment makes me narrow my eyes into slits.

"You little mot-"

"You guys took so lo- Am I interrupting something?" My aunt June asks, looking at Mason's hands around my waist and our faces that are extremely close, and I poke Mason's shoulder.

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