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Dedicated to: stopclicheshaming because I totally support your profile 👍❤




I pace myself as I jog around the oval-shaped field; breathing in through my nose and out of my mouth. My black Nike's crunch the grass beneath them as I tread my feet curtly onto the ground. I avoid looking anywhere but ahead, in fear of losing focus when I see the guy close up behind me and letting him win.

To me, you play to win. There is no other way. The rush of adrenalin, relief and accomplishment is what I crave every time I run on the tracks; the memory of victory my motivation. Every time that blast goes off, I'm reminded of why I do it, why I push myself to the point of blistered feet and tearing muscles. I do it to make my father proud. As pathetic and desperate as this sounds, I want my father's approval. I want him to say 'That's my son' with the biggest smile on his face that proudly gleams everyone else's to shame.

But alas, my father will never acknowledge me, nevermind boast about me to high class professionals. I am not successful in all my subjects, like him, so therefore he sees me as nothing - a disgrace, if you will.

I see the white line up ahead and urge my legs to move faster, imagining Katherine was standing there with the biggest smile on her face and waving me to come to her.

Although I've only been without Katherine for a day, I miss her. I miss her sweet strawberry scent that I enhale every time we hug. I miss her touch and her beautiful green eyes. I miss the taste of her lips and the tingles she gives me whenever she's around.

To be honest, I am scared. There's always this little voice in my head that keeps me in doubt. Will she leave when she's bored of me? Will she help me get over my addictions? Would she run off if I made a slight mistake? Does she feel the exact same way about me? Does she really love me?

But whenever I go over to her house and her eyes hold that look, a look that will never leave my mind. It's a look of utter amazement and trust. She looks at me like I'm the only thing that makes her happy and that she can entrust her deepest desires with me. I feel important and loved and it scares me. I have never been in love before, I don't have any experience, and I don't want to slip up and lose the only thing I want most in my barren life: Katherine.

My legs scream in pain, but I take my last few leaps, for Katherine. The familiar feeling of the tape snapping against my torso brings a huge smile onto my face and I collapse onto the ground, heaving unnaturally fast for a runner.

I smile to myself when I hear the cheering and whooping. They want me. They need me. They congratulate me. I just wish it was Katherine and not them.

Katherine hasn't been to any of my race and I haven't complained to her, but I wish she was here to hug my sweaty self and kiss me in congratulation, but she wasn't. She is at her house, probably still sleeping.

I stand up off the floor and brush off the grass on my clothing. "And with a record-breaking three minutes and two seconds, Mason Dallas is in first place!" The announcer yells into the microphone and the audience screams in adrenalin and excitement.

This is a good day.


I walk out if the changing rooms and head towards my car, but a familiar anorexic figure stands in front of me with her finger twirling her hair.

"Hey Mason," She smiles sickly sweet and bites her lip. "I just wanted to congratulate you. I knew from the start you were going to win."

I nod my head, trying to end the conversation, but she continues, "Where's that pathetic little girlfriend of yours?" My heart squeezes slightly at her next words. "Shouldn't she be here, supporting you?"

I shrug and try to slide past her but she leans against my car door and I lean down to her level. "Can you move?" I growl and she laughs, hitting my chest.

"You're too cute," She drawls with a big smile. "But why her? I have so much more to offer."

"My girlfriend isn't a slut and we have something that I would've never had with you." I snap and she smirks.

"Let's test that." She grabs my face and smashes her lips onto mine. I try to pull away but she's stuck on me like a leach. I stand still as she continues to try and shove her tongue in my mouth. I pull her hands off my face and step back.

"You're a sick little bitch. I don't want you. Get that in your non-existent brain." I push her away from my door and clamber into my car. I wipe my hand over mouth, trying to rid of her disgusting raspberry taste. I hate raspberries.

I look in my rearview mirror to seen if Caitlyn was still there, but she was gone. I reverse out of the parking and race my way to my house.

What if Katherine was there? She would be broken. She can't know. Never. She doesn't need to. Nothing happened.

I pull my car into a parking at the supermarket I just stopped at.

I sit in a few minutes of silence, processing what had happened and sighed. My life is a mess.

I rush into the store and I buy a bouquet of flowers for Katherine and a few other items we need at home.

Driving through a couple of red robots and stop streets, I made it home in under five minutes. I quickly unpacked the groceries in my house and then grabbed the bouquet of flowers to take to Katherine.

I see a familiar car parked out in her driveway and I groan.




What genre should this book be? Please gimme suggestions, because I'm torn between so many... I think I should settle with Teen Fiction, but maybe you guys could point out something better? Please.

One more chapter left and one epilogue :*)

Next chapter is positive👍

Now I am sorry for not updating according to my updating schedule, but high school is horrible. The work is little but I had this concert thing and we practised every day until four in the afternoon and then we still had homework... and then I was super tired and now I am sick :( but my friends are cool

I realised... I haven't done those question thingys so here...

What are your hobbies?


I 💓 you guys!



"One problem with gazing too frequently into the past is that we may turn around to find the future has run out on us."

- Michael Cibenko


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