Big News

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I woke up and went down stairs. Mom and dad were sitting on the couch and asking me and Dominic to come join them. They both looked surprisingly happy.

"Ok guys we are going to play a game!" said my mom cheery like.

"Heres how it goes, you must search for clue number one witch will lead you to the next clue there are 10 in total, if you skip ahead and find a number clue that is ahead of the clue your finding you must leave it there and only use it as a memory so when it's time to find it you know where it is, whoever finds the object that is revealed by the trickiest clue which is number 10 will win a prize!" explained dad.

My mom asked if we were ready and we nodded furiously. She counted down and when she said GO! we were off. After a hopeless minute when we found nothing she gave us a clue.

"Clue number 1 is somewhere dark and scary!"

I immediately thought of the attic and ran up. Dominic must have herd because he was close behind. I decided to trick him by making noise in the bathroom then going to the attic. It worked! I searched until I saw a note on the trap door.

The note said "this room is often called the water room in certain places". I sneaked down from the attic. Water room? What? I thought to myself. Maybe the kitchen! I searched and found clue number 5 which I had to leave there.

My second guess was the bathroom. So I went in there once again and searched hard. I looked under the sink and found clue number 2 witch had tape on it but wasn't on the wall. My brother must have been here! I wonder how well he's doing? I read the note "will bring off a certain smell before a good wash". I was once again confused. A wash? You would think bathroom. Where else do things get washed?

It hit me! The laundry room of course! I ran down and there it was. Untouched by Dominic, clue number 3! "An appliance which involves watching". Duh, TV. Mum or dad really could have done better with that one. I raced to the TV and saw my dad drinking coffee but my mom surprisingly wasn't. I looked behind the TV to find clue number 4 which was untouched by Dominic. Clue number 4 said "where the family gathers". I remembered how I found clue number 5 in the kitchen and went their. I grabbed it and began to read "It's here to grab and go". I had no idea. Grab and go? Maybe the food pantry. I searched threw everything and cleaned up the little mess I made from doing so. I had found nothing. What do I grab and go?

Maybe it's the coat hanger by the door. I very often have to grab a coat and go. I did so and searched. I noticed a little jacket there I have never seen before. It was for a toddler. Maybe it was Dominics from when he was little. Although it looked brand new. I stuffed my hand in a pocket and felt a paper. It was clue number 6. Yes! I read the clue to myself "a room that contains a soul of creativity". It must be.... um... maybe.... my room! I ran inside and flat on my desk was clue 7. "A room for 2" it said. Me and Dominic don't share a room so probably my parents room.

Once again I charged in and there was no sign of a clue. I looked threw there bed the bedside table, even under. Then I turned to the dresser and opened the sock drawer. There was clue 8. I was getting so close! The note said "very hairy". I obviously thought of pets and went to the liter box, food bowls and dog bed. I peeked under the dog bed and found clue 9. "Picture perfect" is what it said. I walked around the house looking at each picture. One by one. There was nothing. I peeked under some until I came to the picture with clue 10! It said "your reward and surprise awaits at the family room coffee table". I ran faster than I could. I saw my brother looking in the kitchen. In one of the drawers there was a envelope which said "open me!". Inside was a- "WAIT HOLD ON A SECOND ITS A-A-A" I said interrupting my thoughts.

"A pregnancy test honey" said my mom. My brother was in the room now.

"Wait so-" I said.

"You're going to be a big sister, this isn't your first rodeo is it Nick" said my dad. (Nick is a nickname for Dominic, btw Ik irl its Nicholas and Sqaishey has 2 older brothers not 1 younger and 1 older but still WHO CARES IF THE FACTS ARENT ACCURATE!)

"Wow two little siblings" said Dominic almost startled.

I smiled and said, "So is it a boy or a girl?"

"We don't know" said mum.

"Any name ideas?" I asked.

"Well that's the thing, since your the winner you choose one boy name and one girl name" said mum.


"What are they?" asked dad.

"For a girl Ruth, for a boy Andy!" I said.

"Those are great names!" said my mom.

I felt great! But one thing was still on my mind. The talent show. It's today.

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